Chapter 18

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(Taehyung's POV)

That night, I ended up telling them everything.

Admittedly, I should've told them about this sooner, but they understood why I didn't do it before. I hadn't expected them to be so calm when it was said that only Jimin had been the one to know of this since the very beginning, and after him, Jungkook was the one to hear me out.

It wasn't as if I didn't want to tell my hyungs about it, I did, but the the thing is that they've already done so much for me; they worry so much about me as it is, that I didn't want them to worried for me again.

But I was wrong.

All of them understood the actual reason, except for Jin hyung, who I knew would be slightly mad that I had kept this away from them, but after a few minutes- he calmed down and hugged me; which was something I really needed.

All six of us were waiting outside the room my dad was admitted in because he had some tests going on while Mom was next to him.

Somehow, I couldn't gather up the courage to go inside when I first arrived here tonight, which was almost an hour ago and like every other time, I didn't just barge inside the private room, but chose to sit outside waiting for my friends to arrive. Jimin already knew about this place and the room number, so I don't think that either of them had any problem arriving to the hospital.

Even from a distance, I could clearly see their worried faces as they sped walked in my direction and in a matter of seconds, I was engulfed in a giant group hug with Hobi hyung's arms around me while Namajoon and Jin hyung hugged me from the side, Jimin and Yoongi hyung against my back.

Neither of us said anything for a few minutes, not wanting to break the moment for even a second, before Hobi hyung pulled away first to say something to me.

"We love you Taehyung-ah. All of us, we really do and we care about you so much."

"I love you guys too." I smiled, not genuinely,
but I tried. I really did love them. All of them.

After that, everyone sat down on the seats in front of the room, except for Jimin- who stood next to me and held my hand in his tightly. Judging by the looks on their faces, I could tell that each one of them wanted to bring up the topic of my boyfriend's sudden leave, but none of them had the courage to do so. I promised myself and my hyungs too- This was the first and last thing that I will ever hide from them, and so, with that thought, I was the one who initiated the conversation in the middle of the hospital hallway.

If I'm being really honest, the only thing that I want to do at this moment, is run away from here as far and as fast as I can. Everything- everyone reminded me of Jungkook, the time I had spent with him or the memories that both of us had.

Albeit, for only two months had him and I been together, like in a relationship, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss him.

I don't miss him just because he is- was  my boyfriend; before that, him and I.. we were friends.

We've been friends ever since the days of our Senior high and have spent a majority of time together, it was only two months before that I had confessed my feelings to him, but before that we were nothing more than friends.

The thing is that the relationship I have with my hyungs individually, they're all very much much different from one another. The relationship that Jimin-ah and I have is very much different than what I have with Namjoon hyung or Jin hyung, they all have their own special places in my life and heart that I don't think anything or anyone could possibly replace them ever.

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