Chapter 35

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"I'm such an asshole, yah!" The guy screamed at the top of his lungs and pulled at his own hair for possibly the nth time in the matter of 20 minutes. He stomped around in the office, cursing at himself for lashing out on Taehyung just because he was jealous that the former was going out on a date with Bogum.

Jungkook let his emotions get the best of him and eventually ruin whatever chances he had left of getting the love of his life back. The guy clearly remembered seeing a small flash of hurt and pain in Taehyung's eyes as soon as he had started taking out his anger, saying things that he definitely regrets and now, all he could do was just wish to turn back time because there was no way in hell or heaven that Taehyung would want to even see the younger's face, let alone talk to him.

He just had to go and mess this up.

Things were finally getting better with the older slowly letting his walls down around the maknae, letting himself enjoy the company, but could you blame Taehyung? We all know the bubbly feeling of receiving attention from someone we love, and the guy was just trying to live in that moment. He was just trying to make himself believe that maybe some things had really changed, but now he must be thinking that it was all a lie.

As he stomped around in his beloved's office, Jungkook felt like throwing things here and there, scream his lungs out and what not, so when that happened, he picked up the closest thing available to his hold- one of the photo frames on Taehyung's table. He was about to throw that thing with his entire force, but stopped suddenly and turned it around to see the picture in it and that's when his heart dropped to his stomach.

Realisation hit him like a truck when he saw the picture in the frame and let himself sit down on one of the chairs behind him, dramatically.

First a picture in his wallet and now on his desk?

"What have I done?"

He was already regretting the things he had unknowingly screamed at Taehyung and if possible, that feeling had doubled up to a hundred times as he stared at the picture with his heart beating loud enough for him to feel it without even touching his pulse.

Without wasting another moment, Jungkook sprang up from the chair and took out his new phone, scrolled through his contacts to find his beloved's number, but screamed in agony when he remembered that they hadn't yet exchanged their numbers.

A month of working here and I haven't even asked him for his number. What is wrong with me?

Moving quickly on his feet, Jungkook sprinted out of Taehyung's office and towards his assistant's desk, in hopes of getting his number from him, but when he saw the reception desk completely empty and without any trace of Sehun, he smacked his forehead hard enough, making sure to leave a mark there.

Where is that fuck face when you need him?

With that cancelled plan, the next person or more like people he could think of, who would definitely have Taehyung's number were his hyungs and out of them, he knew that Jimin and Hoseok wouldn't give it to him at any cost, whereas Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin would ask why he hadn't gotten Taehyung's number yet and why he needed it urgently.

He dialled Yoongi's number while pacing back and forth in front of the reception with his fingers combing his hair away from the forehead.

"What do you want, kid?" Jungkook stopped breathing the second he heard those words, eyes widening with the thought that maybe Yoongi already knew about what had happened between Taehyung and him, but then he snapped to reality, remembering that this was typical Yoongi.

Always grumpy.

"Hyung, are you busy right now?"

"I am." he answered, not sounding bothered by the younger's call.
"What are you doing?"

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