Chapter 14

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Where's Jungkook?

Taehyung was pretty much sure that the previous night he had put the younger to sleep next to him and knowing that Jungkook never woke up before him no matter what, had him pushing the comforter away from himself in a few seconds with probably a hundred thoughts from last night running through his mind.

The next thing he did was to check his bathroom, double check Jungkook's room, the kitchen, the living room- in short, the entire house, but his boyfriend was nowhere to be found.

Running a hand through his blue hair, Taehyung ran back to his room and searched for his phone, which he found lying on his study desk and as soon as he unlocked it, there was a text from him.

"Aunty called this morning, asking me to come home to meet some people. I'm perfectly fine and I'm sorry that I left before you woke up. Call me when you see this."

In confusion, Taehyung rubbed his already puffed eyes, not because he had just woken up, but because he was really tired, with everything.

And without waiting for another second, he switched between apps and dialled Jungkook's number, holding the phone against his ear while biting his lip in anxiousness.

The younger, as soon as he picked up, spoke up with his usual tone, but the only difference was that it cracked.

Like he had been crying.

That managed to put Taehyung a little on the edge.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth, making the other smile in response over the call.

"I'm fine, Tae. I'm sorry I had to leave this early, aun-"

"Love, you don't have to say it again. Are you okay? Do you want me to come?"

Tae asked, feeling a little at ease after listening to his boyfriend's voice, but only a little.

The first thought when he hadn't seen Jungkook next to him was that maybe, after listening to whatever he had told him last night, the younger had left him.

For once and for all.

That had honestly been one of the most scariest thoughts he could ever have, after his father obviously. Losing Jungkook. 

Losing someone he loved.

Shaking his head away from it, Taehyung sighed, sitting on the edge of his empty bed, instantly wishing to be next to Jungkook. Over the years, sleeping next to the younger had kind of grown onto him like a habit.

A bad habit..

And waking up next to him almost everyday was something that he really looked forward to, as seeing Jungkook's adorable, sleepy face the first thing in the morning had been more addicting than any coffee or drink.

He felt it hard to sleep when Jungkook wasn't next to him, and it seemed ever harder to smile without him. But a smile came over his face when he realised that they were finally graduating today.

And not only that, it meant that Taehyung could now ask if the other wanted to move in with him.

That was a big step, yes, a major step on his behalf since he had never been in the habit of having someone to go home to. He wasn't accustomed to feeling of coming home to someone.

Even when he was in school, the only person he ever came home to was Mrs. Chao- his caretaker, as Taehyung's mother called her, but to him she was more than that. For starters, he had seen more of Mrs. Chao than his own mother and father combined; she had been the one to take care of his health, studies- everything and she was the sole reason as to why Taehyung still loved his parents.

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