Chapter 95

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For the rest of the day, Taehyung kept going in and out of his consciousness. His body had become so weak that waking up completely seemed like a task that would definitely take a while. Whenever he did gain consciousness of what was happening around him, he could only hear strained voices talking in the back while his vision was still in the majority of blurred lines.

By the outline of them, he sketched the voices belonging to Chin Hae, Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin as well, but he couldn't hear the one voice that he really wished for.


Even though he was unconscious, Taehyung knew that Jungkook wouldn't have left him alone, or maybe that is what he silently hoped for. Falling in and out of sleep felt like someone was physically and forcefully dragging his body somewhere, making him numb on the outside but this was only a side effect of the medicines that were given to him. Almost four to five hours later, when the Wedding was finally done and it was evening, Jimin came in at just the right time of when Taehyung woke up completely.

The blond hadn't left his best friend's side ever since the Wedding had ended. He had changed into comfortable clothes and so had Yoongi, before arriving back to the Hotel. Along with the others, they talked about taking Taehyung home, since his IV dosage was complete and the effect from them could wear off at any hour. So when the guy did finally wake up, he was happy to have been in his own room with Jimin sitting on one side.

" Jimin-ah.." he whispered, letting his tongue glide slowly over his dry lips while looking at the blond's eyes shooting up in an instant.

"You're awake, hold on let me go an-"

"N-no, wait.." he whispered, "We need to talk."

Hearing that, Jimin took his steps back and helped the other get more comfortable in bed. He stacked a couple of pillows behind Taehyung and helped the guy sit up as slowly and as carefully as possible. All the anger in Jimin's eyes had completely washed away when he came back to see Taehyung still in the Hotel's medical room. The latter's forehead was drenched with sweat, and when Jimin worked to wipe it away with a soft cloth, he heard Taehyung apologize to him even in his sleep. It was easy to decipher from the other's voice that he was still in slight pain, but nonetheless, his anger faded away.

"Have some water first. You'll feel relaxed."

Not wanting to deny, Taehyung did as Jimin asked and took a few sips from the glass that the latter held for him.

"I'm sorry for ruining the wedding."

"You didn't ruin anything, Taetae. If anything, you made my Wedding more memorable than Jin and Namjoon hyung's." Jimin chuckled, taking an initiative to hold Taehyung's hand in his own while running soft circles on it's back.

"Stop with the jokes, you idiot. I'm serious." Taehyung huffed, not liking the way his best friend was taking this and leaned back in the pillow.

"Who said I was joking?" Jimin sighed, looking at the sulking expression on Taehyung's face. When the latter didn't say anything, he moved to sit next to Taehyung's legs to look at him properly.

"Look Tae, I'm not going to deny that I was angry. I was. I know how much my wedding meant to you, okay? And I was angry at you because you're not a baby, Tae. As much as we all love you and we say that you're our youngest, after Jungkook, y-"

"Hey! I'm older that Jungkook, you can't say that!" Taehyung protested with a pout on his lips that made Jimin chuckle.

"You might be older than him, but even Jungkook loves babying you and you can't deny that."

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