Chapter 91

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I'm hearing wedding bells in the air~~~~

I hope you like this chapter!

Happy reading and I purple you!


"Tae, do it faster baby!"

"I'm trying Jeon, shut up."

Jungkook continued to stare at his boyfriend who was trying his best to tuck a brooch on the side of the younger's suit. He saw his soft, slender fingers nervously fumbling around the clothe while breathing in a little hard. Usually, the reason why Taehyung would be all shaky and panting for oxygen would be when him and Jungkook were either busy doing something, or when the younger was teasing him.

But the reason was clearly different now.

Jimin and Yoongi's wedding was about to start in an hour, and the anxiety of it had Taehyung breathless. He was hoping and continuously praying in his mind that the decorations he had done himself for this important day were more than enough— and the tension from this was slowly eating the man away on the insides.

"Love, you need to calm down. You're shaking. Come here, sit down for a while." Jungkook whispered, softly curling his fingers around Taehyung's wrist to pull him to the couch, but the elder only shook his head in denial.

"I can't, Jungkook. I have to go to Jimin in a few, he must be going crazy."

"You can go later, but sit down first. Have some water, please?"

The younger caressed Taehyung's flushed cheeks before plating a few butterfly kisses to calm his wrecked nerves. He knew that his boyfriend had skipped dinner last night, saying that he had to go out to check in with the catering services and something along those lines, and Jungkook did not want him to stay hungry all day especially since he was running around, working his body and mind beyond the limits.

Taehyung had leaned in to Jungkook's soothing touch, wanting to answer him but before any words rolled down his lips, Hoseok's voice broke through the door of the room they had taken in the Marriage hall. The place that Jimin and Yoongi had chosen was a luxury hotel, along with a Marriage Hall in the huge gardens inside the boundaries.

"Taehyung-ah! Jimin is going nuts, you need to go to him."

"I'm coming, Hyung!" Taehyung exclaimed before turning to his man with an apologetic smile and a lingering kiss to his lips.

"I'll see you in a while, babe. I love you."

He didn't wait to hear Jungkook say those words back to him, or to kiss him back and just dashed out of the door towards his best friend.

I love you more, you careless idiot.


"Tae, what if he doesn't come? What if Yoongi thinks that I'm weird as hell and decides to call off the wedding?"

"Jimin, my love, Yoongi Hyung is head over heels in love with you and he wants to spend his entire life with you. I promise, he's not going to do that, okay? He's probably all ready by now and waiting to see you." Taehyung answered.

His gaze was a little teary as he admired his best friend up close. The Groom was already dressed up in a white satin shirt, with chains of gold tucked across his collar and chest. His fading brown hair were dyed in the colour of black for the occasion, while his entire outfit was further completed with a black coat, pants and dress shoes. There was a beautiful, careful carving of designs on his coat which, while bringing out the best of the outfit, did not clash with Jimin's natural beauty.

There was a certain glow on his face today, the kind that you have on your special days and it was enough to make anyone fall head over heels in love with this guy

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There was a certain glow on his face today, the kind that you have on your special days and it was enough to make anyone fall head over heels in love with this guy.

"Promise?" Jimin whimpered, bringing his little finger closer between him and Taehyung, making the latter chuckle at the adorable habit. Without thinking twice, the guy locked his little finger with that of Jimin's and pressed a soft kiss to the back of it.

"Cross my heart and hope to die, Jimin-ah. He loves you, you love him and that is all that matters. Trust me."

The blond embraced Taehyung with all his might, feeling the waves of comfort seep into his system because of his best friend. Because of such sudden force, Jimin had unknowingly knocked the air of Taehyung's lungs and leave him unbalanced on his feet, feeling a little light-headed.

"Now let's go, it's time."


Soft music played in the back as all the eyes landed on the couple taking their vows. Jimin's waterworks had already started as he took Yoongi's hand in his own while the elder said his vows with the most beautiful of smiles ever. Jimin's best man, Taehyung was slowly crying away behind him— the feelings of genuine happiness flowing through his veins like night tides. He tried his best to keep them at bay, but alas.

On the other side, Hoseok was Yoongi's best man. With his hands held close to his chest, Hoseok was smiling more while staring at the couple. When both of them said their 'I do's", Taehyung almost burst into full blown tears behind Jimin, while looking down on his shoes— giving a reason to Hoseok to elbow the guy that stood behind him-Jungkook.

He looked fondly at his boyfriend who wept happy tears, and wished for the ceremony to get over as quickly as possible so that he could hold him in his arms and stop his crying. He probably had the most strongest of urge to  wipe away Taehyung's tears, and baby him. For the rest of the time, he looked back and forth between his boyfriend and the couple as the Priest announced them as husbands and they kissed, sealing the promise to stay beside each other through thick and thin.

Proceeding towards the end, following the newly wedded couple, everyone walked towards the Main hall where the dance floor was set for them to share their first dance. It was all done in a vintage setting with a modern touch to it. Long tables in one half of the hall and the dance floor on the other. Out of all of the people, Taehyung decided to stay back and sit down on one of the empty chairs at the alter, smiling to himself because his friends were finally happily married.

He could never possibly forget the way Jimin eagerly said ' I do' and kissed Yoongi the very next moment, even before the Priest had told them so.

Perhaps that was true happiness.


The night is still young, so, let's see what happens in the next chapters!

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I purple you!

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