Before you Start

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Before you start reading, I just quickly want to thank you guys for choosing to read something I wrote, but at the same time I feel the need to give a tiny warning about it.

This is the first time that I'm finally publishing something that I've written. In the past, I've written stories, books, poetries, prose in my notebook, but never had the courage to actually write on a social platform. The characters in this book are obviously that of BTS because I love them to death and also because I've read a lot of Taekook, Yoonmin, Namjin and Sope fanfics, which have honestly driven me to write this.

I did not mean on keeping them as the characters, initially I was thinking of writing with some other names, but I guess it's done now and it's something I'm proud of, so meh.

Some of the chapters are long, some are short, but not too short. Please excuse this with the reason that it's my first time and also that I'll be improving a lot in the future.

As I said that I've been writing for a long time, I will continue to keep writing and I would appreciate it so much if you guys commented, liked and voted for my book! It's going to be my pleasure in reading your thoughts and how you think the book should be written.

I would love to know what you guys think and I just want to thank you for choosing my book.

Please help me write better.

Also, one last thing, a little info about myself, I'm 17 and soon to be 18 on February 18 next year. If there is anyone who wants to talk, whine, vent, whatever it is, and they feel like there's no one to hear them, then please think of me. I might answer late, but I will get back to you on it. I just want to see people smile in whatever way it is. You're not alone.

I will be posting new chapters every Monday, so please turn on the notifications if you don't want to miss them out!

I purple you!

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