Chapter 7

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It's funny how we're always uncertain of our own lives and how often we're always asking ourselves if the day we're living would be the last. But at the same time, we slept at nights without any worry or fear that we might not wake up the next day.

Waking up on a Tuesday or any other week day has never brought me too much happiness and I don't think it ever will if I wake up to an empty and cold bed.
My eyes instantly drifted open and my body jolted up from the pillows that my head had been previously resting on when I noticed the empty space next to me. Where's Tae? He came last night, right? Or was it just some dream that I had?

My eyes scanned the room with anxiety thinking about the other boy and his whereabouts, but I instantly relaxed, seeing his  shirt down on the floor just near the door and his phone on the night stand beside mine. He must be either in the bathroom or in the kitchen, so I pushed the covers away from myself eager to see him that I forgot about the cold weather.

My body shuddered when the cold breeze hit me suddenly, but then I instantly took out a jacket from my messed up closet and whilst wearing it, made my way down the stairs not at all expecting to see him in the kitchen, behind the counter and that too fully engrossed in doing whatever he was doing. It's not rare to see him like this in the kitchen and that too making food. But that wasn't exactly what had caught my attention in the first place, it was the fact that he was still only in his jeans, which were hanging low on his hips showing the black waist band underneath.

As I was busy in shamelessly eye raping him, my gaze landed on the way his back muscles moved whenever he did anything in the slightest. Even though I couldn't see his face with his back facing me, I knew that his blue hair were coming down on his forehead, as they usually did whenever he was too focused on something. This was something I definitely wished to see everyday for the rest of my life; Going to bed with Taehyung right next to me, waking up with his scent clouding my senses, seeing his face the first thing in the morning, having his arms protecting me from everyone and everything.

A smile appeared on my face at these thoughts as I made my way towards him and without any hesitation, I wrapped my arms around his bare torso and laid my head on his back. He jumped due to the sudden action but his muscles relaxed when he noticed that it was me who did that. Taehyung turned around after taking the pan off the stove and put the perfect pancakes on a plate. I'm not even surprised that he's great at cooking too.

"How did you wake up this early? You never wake up by yourself." He asked while looking at me with his beautiful brown orbs. How does he look like a model this early in the morning? His brown hair, as I had previously imagined, were coming down on his forehead looking as perfect as ever. His cheeks looked so fluffy, pink and soft even with his wheatish complexion.

"I felt a little cold because you weren't there with me, so I woke up and came here. How are you not feeling cold?" I asked, pointing towards his bare chest which made him laugh before ruffling my already messed up hair. I usually hate it when people do that, but since the guy I love was doing it, then why the fuck would I mind?

"I went out for a run. Here, I made your favourites, make sure you eat it." With a hand around my waist, Taehyung pulled me towards the barstools and put the plate of pancakes in front of me on the counter. He then brought the chocolate syrup and whipped cream from the refrigerator, pouring the contents over the pancakes in just the way I loved.

He sat down next to me whilst smiling at me, but why wasn't he eating anything? I frowned, keeping the knife and fork down beside the plate.

"Why aren't you eating?"
"I had an apple when I came back. Not that hungry right now." Tae took the utensils and pushed them into my hands again, ushering me to eat the food he made for me. I moaned when the sweet taste of chocolate and the fluffiness of the whipped cream coated my taste buds. It was perfect.

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