Chapter 41

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While Chin Hae was oblivious to the stares all three of them were getting, his Father was feeling a lot less nicer than he was before, there was some sort uncomfortable feeling lingering in the back of his mind- reminding him of the calls that Jungkook didn't pick up.

Why didn't he pick up my calls?

Stop thinking about him, Taehyung. Jungkook's an adult, he can take care of himself. Focus on your kid and Jimin, this is supposed to be your time with them.

Not you being miserable because he didn't answer you like you wanted him to.

Stopping himself from thinking any further, the CEO shrugged them all off and walked to where Jimin and his baby were standing, looking at a series of soft toys displayed in the aisle with Chin Hae's doe eyes widening in awe. He looked in all directions, thinking about wanting to have every single one of the soft toys displayed and that's when his Papa came in.

Hands on Chin Hae's torso, Taehyung picked him up in his arms and bopped his nose, making him scrunch it in response with a giggle.

"Which one do you want?" Jimin tsked to that question and walked up to where his best friend was standing.

"One? The kid wants to get all of them, Taehyung-ah. Look at him." he answered, while looking at the baby in Taehyung's strong arms. Chin Hae really did want all of them, and why would he not?

Taehyung had always wanted to spoil his family in every sort of way, and he would've gotten Chin Hae the entire aisle of those toys, but even he knew that his son was not going to play with all of them even though he wanted to.

"Why don't you go and get the ones you want? Chimchim and Papa are right here, okay love?" The baby instantly beamed with happiness evident in his eyes when his Father let him down on his own feet, allowing him to pick the slushies that he wanted the most. While Jimin and Taehyung followed to keep an eye on him as well as put those toys in the cart.

"Taehyung-ah, didn't you have a date with Bogum hyung? It's today, right?"

"We do, why?" He asked and helped Chin Hae take down the soft plushie that he was trying to get and put it into the cart.

Jimin raised an eyebrow in question, "And?"

"And nothing. We're going for dinner, at his favourite Traditional Korean restaurant."

"Wait, hold up. Isn't he supposed to take you somewhere you like?" Jimin questioned, putting up a fair point because that is usually what happens during 'dates'. The person who asks the other on the date, takes him or her out to the place they like, not the other way round.

Not paying much heed to it, Taehyung just carelessly shrugged it off, "If that's what supposed to happen then I'm gonna end up taking him to Jin hyung's house."

"Papa! Can I get this?" Chin Hae, jumping in excitement ran over to his father and pulled softly on the hem of his black coat. To look clearly at what his son was holding, asking to buy it, Taehyung picked him up in his arms and scanned the soft toy in his hand.

It was a soft, small, pure white bear, with its ears perking up and eyes all brown. There was also a black chain around its neck which was craved with the letter 'T', as if it's name started with the mentioned character. Taehyung didn't see any reason as to why he couldn't buy it for his son to make him happy, so without further ado, he nodded in agreement and placed a kiss to his son's forehead.

"You're going to take all of these, honey?" Jimin asked, pointing to the more than just a dozen fluffy toys in the cart, while looking back to Chin Hae, who nodded with his babyish grin.

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