Chapter 67

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I'm back and with good news! The book reached 2.0k reads! I'm so thankful to all of you who chose to read my book!

All of this is to you guys! I purple you. Thank you.

I swear my entire body went stiff for a good few minutes as I stood there at the edge of my bed. My hair was still dripping wet and the droplets, upon falling down to my shoulders were cascading down my back and chest.

Two very strong arms were wrapped around my waist, someone's hot, minty breath against the naked skin on the curve of my neck was not helping either. I was beyond shocked, feeling as if my heart was ready to leap out of my chest any moment now. The sensation of it beating erratically inside my rib cage was booming inside my head and my body had gone completely rigid feeling a familiar scent of musky cologne- a little bit of cinnamon and sweat mixed around my senses.

It was very different than the smell of my own shampoo and soap.

"You should've locked the door before going to the bathroom, love."

Hearing those words being whispered right next to my ear, his breath tingling the crook of my neck and the thumb caressing my waist was not helping one bit, if anything it only made my body grow hotter by the second. So much that it was ready to be set aflame.

Jungkook's voice was hoarse, hard and yet soft next to my ear. I don't know how or why, but it was enough to make my breathing turn irregular like some unmatched set of tunes.

I didn't lock the room? I thought I did. I did, didn't I?

I don't know for how long we stood in the same position. With my uncovered back pressed tight against his hard chest, it wasn't really a task to feel the smoothness of the cloth against my skin. Singular breath was etched inside my throat, threatening to break out into a cough from my mouth.

"Ju..Jungk- Jungkook," I managed, don't ask me how, "what are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were done so that we could leave, but seeing you like this— let's just stay here."

A hard blush rose to my cheek, though I'm sure it was pretty much visible at the top of my ears too. A chill ran up and down my spine feeling Jungkook's rough, muscular hand trying to turn my body around to face his own. I had already given up by then, knowing that I was an absolute mess whenever I was in his arms.

I thought, in the middle of contemplating whether I should turn or not- if I'd feel like running away and hiding in a cave the moment our eyes met. Because that was just the kind of effect Jungkook had on me. He had the power to see right through me. But even to my surprise, the breath I had been holding back in my throat slowly exhaled away from my lips, while my eyes fixed with Jungkook's doe ones.

Wow... they're really clear.

For some reason unknown to me, I stepped forward in such a way that  there was barely any space between our chests. His arms had gotten tighter around my waist, resting right upon the towel and a little above the curve of my hips. I was too breathless, too out of my senses because of his cologne and him in general, that even my eyes couldn't focus. They were running back and forth in confusion between his doe eyes and those pink lips.

The mole right under them seemed to have become more eminent than ever, because I could make out the alignment of it against his lips.

I really want him to kiss me.

I do. It's no secret. Ever since he entered my life again, all I've ever wanted is for him to hold me and kiss me like he regretted leaving. I needed him to kiss me like there was no tomorrow. But that moment just never came. There was something more that I wanted from this kiss.

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