Chapter 63

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The lights around the house had only been dimmed rather than switching them off, so that one could find his way around and not actually get injured while walking in the dark.

The interior of Taehyung's house however, was nothing like that of their family house.

The house previously owned by the Kim's had been grand, with high ceilings, illuminating chandeliers, glass and wooden work all over the place; but this place was different. Taehyung's house was a bit more modern in the shades of grey, white and black covering the kitchen and living room. Wooden cabinets with glass doors just behind the dinning table highly complimented the wooden floor work.

The entire house was surrounded by strictly guarded walls, the idea given by the elders of the group. Yoongi and Jimin's house had the similar outer structure with at least 3-4 guards present on duty during the day and the night. Whereas Taehyung had security not only around the house, but also around the Office. There were a lot of time when some people from media tried to cross the boundaries, so protection was a big yes because he couldn't put his family's safety at stake.

While Taehyung and Jungkook had gone to sleep in the early hours of dawn after reminiscing the past, they were still in deep slumber when Mrs. Chao had woken up at her usual time. She had already dressed up into a fresh set of clothes, the ones that matched what she wore everyday and had another pair ready for when they left to visit the Shelter home for Grace's birthday.

The hall which connected her room to the living area was still in the shades of a dim yellow light. Since the curtains that covered all the larger windows were on a certain height, it was impossible for her to pull them all by herself which was why, Taehyung had gotten them automated.

With the push of certain buttons on the remote, the curtains could be pushed aside as well as take the cover.

From afar, she could faintly see the outline of someone's head resting against the couch which faced the sliding doors. But as the distance closed, a smile stretched to her lips highlighting the crinkles at the corner of her almond-shaped eyes.

Taehyung's slender and small frame as compared to the other was resting with utter peace on top of Jungkook's toned body. His cheek was resting firmly against the collarbone with his face tucked under the ravenette's chin and the right hand was firmly resting on Jungkook's shoulder. The younger had him enveloped in a protective hold with one of his arms around his beloved's tiny waist and the other resting atop the hand on his shoulder.

The young couple looked peaceful, even though they were squeezed up in a very small space.  There was no expression of uncomfortableness on their faces. The smile only managed to stretch up to her eyes when Mrs. Chao saw the serene looks on Taehyung's face. Seeing it after years on his face was slowly showing an effect in the form of a quiet prayer to the gods, asking them to bless the couple with all the joy, safety and strength in the world.

Jungkook, even though the youngest in the entire group had the body which made him appear like the person in his arms was younger than him and not the other way round.

Upon finishing her prayer, Mrs. Chao moved towards the hooded doors and unclothed them with the push of a button and decided to move as quietly as possible to not disturb them. As the curtains moved to their positions, the light travelling through the glass doors lit up the living room while the doors on the kitchen's side illuminated the said place.

Before the pair could wake up, the elderly woman made her way towards the kitchen and started preparing for breakfast before Taehyung could do so himself.

Usually, Taehyung woke up at the same time as his Eomma and beat her to the kitchen counter, not letting her cook breakfast because according to him she had done enough work and had taken enough care of him over the years, that now it her turn to sit back and relax. Mrs. Chao loved this endearing side of the child she had seen as he grew up to become not only a very handsome man, but also a very admirable human.

Hearing soft snores and feeling a rhythmic heart beat other than his own against his chest, Jungkook slowly regained consciousness of his surroundings over his still sleepy eyes and body. He noticed a strong, alluring strawberry scent fill the air around him.

Closing his eyes again, the younger thought back to the events of the previous night and was triggered to open them in a split second. The smaller body on his stronger one felt like a feather, like Taehyung didn't weigh anything. Jungkook's gaze softened, admiring the man sleeping soundly in his arms without a care of the entire world around him. He seemed comfortable and so peaceful that the younger didn't have the heart or the will to wake him up, instead he just wanted to keep staring at the sleeping angel.

With the back of his index finger, the ravenette traced Taehyung's subtle features as carefully as he could to not wake him up in the process. The long eyelashes rested simply on those tinted cheeks, while the cherry lips turned into a pout which had Jungkook cooing internally at the sight in front of his eyes.

In the moments of silence around them, with nothing but soft snores filling his ears- Jungkook couldn't contain himself any longer from peppering butterfly kisses to the other's face and hand. He took the hand which had been resting on his shoulder and pressed kisses to every finger, memorizing how they felt against his lips. He traced the lines and the curves on his beloved's face before resting a final kiss to his forehead and breathing in the moment of peace.

Taehyung squirmed, trying to adjust himself onto the warm surface and let a yawn escape his lips. The reality still seemed a lot blurry so he didn't come to realize the position he was in, and neither the adoring gaze he was receiving from someone. Snuggling further against the softness and warmth that enveloped him, Taehyung let his eyes open and blink furiously before gaining focus of the reality.

As a result, a breath hitched inside his throat when he saw just what or more like who has been radiating the warmth. A musky cologne strongly swept his senses as his eyes travelled up to look at the figure under him, only to find him already staring at the elder.

"Good morning, angel."

A smile occurred on Jungkook's lips while his doe eyes held the look of admiration and love for the other. Letting those clear orbs roam around Taehyung's face, the younger chuckled, noticing a couple of lines formed on the side of his. They were the kind of lines which appeared when someone had a deep, refreshing sleep- or so what Jungkook thought.

Still thinking that this must really be a dream, for being this close to Jungkook was something of a luxury to the elder. Taehyung uttered in his subconscious mind, telling himself to go back to sleep only to wake up next to his child like any other day in their master bedroom.

Without responding, Taehyung unknowingly rubbed his cheek against the raventte's hard, but comfortable chest and let sleep slowly take over his body still wishing for such a dream to be true.

But only if he'd knew.


Hiya! Sorry for not updating the chapter earlier, I'm not really in good health at the moment, but I'll be fine.

I hope you like this chapter. Please vote for it if you did!

Gomavayo! I purple you!

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