Chapter 72

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Big announcement coming in the next part! Be sure to look out for it! Also, if you have any questions relating to the book, be sure to leave them comments and I'll get back to them!

After this book, there's another one that I've already started working on. It'll be out soon, so be sure to hit the follow button to get it's notification!

Happy reading! I purple you!

Sitting around the dining table, Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok sat on one side, Jin sat at the very head of the table with Namjoon on the other end, Taehyung and Jungkook across Yoongi and Jimin. Eating the dinner cooked by the staff at the Shelter Home and Jin, the group fell into perfect conversation about random things.

Out of the elders, Namjoon and Yoongi were busy mimicking their partners- Jin and Jimin for the faces they made when the group had last visited a haunted house together. They made all kind of noises to gives as detailed explanations as they could, gradually earning scowls, cuss words from the targets of this situation. In the midst of this, neither Jin nor Namjoon had forgotten the announcement they were yet to make, but knowing that the night was still long, they let the topic slide.

While enjoying such happy moments, all of them had one common thought in their minds. Gratitude. They looked around, saw the other members smiling and laughing void of any melancholic feeling it was something straight out of an imaginary world. Years after, the youngest of their group had finally returned and was sitting in the same hall with them, at the same dining table, eating the same food and sharing the same laughs. Nothing could've been better than this particular moment.

From time to time, Taehyung contemplated the thought of looking over at the man next to him. Resistance was never in the strong book when it came to the elder, and especially when it concerned a certain someone. From the side, he could very well hear Jungkook's harmonic laugh ring in his ears as he laughed away at what their Hyungs did, and yet just the sound of it wasn't enough.

He was addicted to it, yes. He was in love with Jungkook's voice, his soft features but a completely contrasting body frame and personality. He loved the little things about the younger and to name a few was impossible- there was an entire list waiting to be read out loud. The way Jungkook scrunched his nose while laughing, the way his doe eyes turned into crescents, the way he stuttered while talking about something he likes- all of it.

It was endearing.

Since that was the case, it wouldn't hurt even if he took only a small glance at him, no? Or that's what Taehyung thought. He couldn't care less if anyone caught him slipping and staring in disbelief at his beloved's mesmerizing self. He missed admiring the other in such moments, and he was going to make up for them.

Skipping a heart beat, it felt as if the air was knocked out of his lungs in a split second just with one look. Jungkook seemed relaxed, his shoulders were pushed back in calmness while still keeping his backbone straight as a dinner table etiquette. Pale fingers were clasped around the utensils, his jaw taught even as he laughed. There was something different about the man, a good different.

He seemed more open. Happy.

Yes, he looks more happier than the first time he met us, Taehyung thought. This happiness suited the younger so well, and how can it not? For the older, Jungkook deserved the entire world and it's happiness.

Taehyung's gaze was visibly softened while admiring his beloved. At least, it was visible enough for the other's to see just how whipped this man was for Jungkook. But, it didn't come out as a shocking statement to them because Taehyung had been entranced by the younger since years now. It did make the others smile though, when they noticed that even after a deliberate and forced cough, the said man didn't step out of his own thoughts. He was too oblivious of all the stares and smiles he was receiving that his eyes only blinked when his phone rang loud enough in his pockets.

A sigh escaped his lips, silently hoping that it wasn't a call related to work, but it soon turned into a groan upon noticing the caller ID. He couldn't take the call in the presence of the others too, so deciding that, he excused himself for a few moments.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked, fingers clasped around Taehyung's wrist to stop him mid-way.

"Duty calls."

Flashing the screen to him, Taehyung unexpectedly bent down to his level and pecked the cheek facing him. It was rather a foreign action for Jungkook to interpret because ever since he had returned,  Taehyung wasn't someone to display his affection so openly and especially to him. So he was more than just shocked when the said man had kissed his cheek with the words, 'I'll be back', for everyone else to hear.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something, but at a loss of words, he pursed his lips while his eyes followed Taehyung's lean figure finding a place to talk alone. The former wondered just what had come up at this point, because even when they were driving to the Shelter Home, the elder had been busy on a call and now, though it was supposed to be his day off, he was still not free from work.

"Yah don't worry, Jungkook-ah. You'll get used to this one day. I know, we did." Namjoon expressed with a small smile playing on his lips. He referred to Taehyung excusing himself just a moment ago, to attend a business associated call as something that all of them had gotten used to. That's just how it was. Even though the man avoided bringing work at home when it was time to spend time with his family, there were just some moments where things couldn't be delayed.

It's just how it is with the owner of a big business group.

"He really works a lot. I'm surprised he hasn't gone insane yet." Jungkook commented, sulking in the absence of Taehyung. He didn't like the fact that his beloved worked his body and mind this much. It must be stressful to work day and night, and take care of a child. At this point, he won't be surprised if someday Taehyung forgets to even make time for himself.

"That's just how things work there, Jungkook-ah. You have to put all your time and efforts to build something like their Business empire. His dad worked hard, and to Taehyung it would only be fair if he worked twice or maybe thrice harder than that." Yoongi said, dropping his utensils on the plate and wiping the corner of his lips with the cloth.

"But that aside, when are you going back to Busan? Your work must be waiting for you there."

Jin's question managed to snatch all of Jimin and Jungkook's attention. This was the same thing Jimin had been talking about with Taehyung before dinner. This is what the latter was thinking of. On the other hand, Jimin's words were true when he had said that the youngest must've thought this through.

"I'm not going back, hyung. I'm working in Taehyung's Company now. Besides, I will visit home on the weekends." Jungkook answered. By the choice of his words, they didn't seem strained or sad, rather on his part the youngest seemed much too sure of it. He had thought this through before because after all, this was his life. He was the only one who could decide the course of it, so if this is what he wanted then this is what he will work for.

"But what about Photography like you said earlier? You love it then how long are going to keep doing this?" Jimin's voice came out strained, not as if he was talking about what was in his mind, but from Taehyung's mindset about the whole situation.

"Hyung, I've made up my mind and it's no-"

"Made up your mind for what?"

Jungkook was abruptly interrupted by Taehyung entering the dining hall after taking the call. His sudden appearance made the former jump a little in his seat, but smile immediately when his head whipped to see the person behind the strong voice.

His eyes stayed focused on the elder as he crossed him and took the seat he had previously taken, next to Jungkook.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but what were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing that you should worry your pretty little head with."

Just when Taehyung was about to open his mouth to say something, probably pester more about what they were talking about, but it was Jin who beat him to it. The guy started off with a completely different conversation to take their minds away from the previous one.

"So," he cleared his throat, "there's something Namjoon and I have to tell you guys. "


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