Chapter 93

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Please ignore the mistakes.



A few more hours passed away, with the dance and snacks already done, it was now time for Jimin to throw the bouquet as per tradition. People were supposed to stand behind him as the Groom threw it with his back facing them, and as said by a lot of people, the one who was going to catch the flowers would be the one to get married soon.

Taehyung didn't know that this was in the list as well— at least not in the one he had made. It wasn't like he cared anyway for this because firstly, there were only girls standing and squealing behind Jimin, whereas secondly, he was already planning on proposing Jungkook, so he definitely didn't need any cliche bouquet. For the proposing Jungkook part though, the only thing that was now standing as a wall was the fact that Taehyung wasn't feeling good at all.

Over the few hours, the problem had somehow gotten a little worse with him feeling extremely light-headed and like his body was ready to float anytime soon. Not thinking too much about it, Taehyung just leaned more into Jungkook's warmth with his back resting against the younger's rock hard chest. His strong arms were snaked around Taehyung's waist, locking in the front while peppering soft kisses to the side of his neck and face as they saw the entire bouquet throwing scene unfold in front of their eyes.

"Don't you want to do that, baby?" Jungkook answered, pressing his lips against the base of his boyfriend's neck.

Taehyung hummed in denial, "I feel good right here. I don't wanna leave."

Because of Jungkook's warmth, his musky cologne that Taehyung had become accustomed to—the scent made him feel like he was already home in the arms of the man he truly loves. On top of it, behind him Jungkook was slowly humming to a sweet melody while swaying side to side on his feet, making it seem like a lullaby to the elder's ears. He enjoyed every second of it. His eyes were fluttering close time to time, but opened wide when some girls screamed seeing that Jimin hadn't yet thrown the bouquet.

Taehyung gulped hard and shook his face to get a control over his senses before focusing completely on his best friend who was busy teasing the girls behind him. He saw the cheeky smile on Jimin's face when he exclaimed something along the lines of 'get ready', leaving the people behind him staring attentively and looking out for the flowers, but to everyone's surprise they never came.

Instead, the blond licked his lips with that subtle, sweet smile that screamed 'Jimin' and slowly walked in the same direction Taehyung and Jungkook were standing in.

What is this dumbass trying to do now? Taehyung asked, arching straighter while staring at his best friend who was only halfway through the floor in his direction. Jungkook's arms were long gone from his waist and so were his sweet kisses, but Taehyung was too confused to notice that.

For the moment, his entire focus was on properly breathing and trying to comprehend the stunt Jimin was trying to pull. With a combination bouquet of Dark red and white lightly glittered Carnations, the blonde walked towards his best friend with the same smile and stretched them forward when they were finally in a close proximity.

"Jimin-ah, what're you doing? This wasn't in the list?" Taehyung questioned, clearly confused with the look Jimin was giving him.

"Moments like of love are never planned, Taehyung-ah. Turn around." Saying that, Jimin turned him around on his heels, only to further knock the air out of Taehyung's lungs as soon as he saw the sight in front of him.

Jeon Jungkook, the love of his life, his entire universe and his one true mate—was down on one knee, holding a green velvet box in his hand, tears of love and admiration in his eyes for Taehyung.

"Oh my-"

By now, breathing had become completely foreign to Taehyung. No matter how hard he heaved, it felt as if his lungs were burning and so were his eyes. He couldn't believe whatever was happening in front of him, and by now, the ring in his own pocket had seemed to vanish almost immediately.

Who knew they were going to propose each other on the same day?

"Kim Taehyung, you— you are the love of my life, the light in my darkest moments, my pillar whenever I need support. You're the wall that has somehow managed to keep my heart guarded ever since I gave all of it to you, years ago. You're the angel that the Gods decided to bless me with, and I swear I've never been this lucky. I will never be this lucky, because you my love, are the only one I need to wake up each day, to breathe, to work hard for, to become a good person for. You, my angel, are the reason for my everything."

Tears actually spilled from Jungkook's eyes as he continued looking at his angel, who could only stare at him in disbelief. Their hearts were beating as rapidly and as loudly as they never had before. Taehyung was finding it hard to breathe, wanting to go down on his knees and hug Jungkook and scream a 'yes', but he was frozen to his spot. He was trying his best to inhale and keep his eyes open until after he had answered the man he loved with a 'yes', because whatever happened after couldn't be of much concern to him.

"These four months that I spent away from you, I swear every day— the only thing that I really wanted was to wake up to you, to see your face the first thing in morning, and kiss you and hold you for the rest. I wanted nothing more than to hear your voice and be able to hold you. And this— this is what I want for the rest of my life, till.. till my very last breath, baby. But that will only be possible if you, Kim Taehyung, the man I have always and will always love, agrees. Will you marry me, baby? Will you let me take care of you for the rest of our lives?"

Taehyung wanted to scream. He wanted to shout his answer a thousand times and in a voice a thousand times louder than his usual, to let the entire world know that he loved Jeon Jungkook. He gulped the dried breath in his throat and smiled despite feeling like things around him were actually crashing down. Like he was himself falling into an endless dark pit, with no air to breathe and no light to guide him through.

Jungkook's name escaped so faintly and softly past his cherry lips that it must've almost been inaudible, before his eyes closed shut—his vision going completely dark and his body falling backward, in the arms of the person standing behind him.

The only words he faintly heard while falling were the ones that escaped from Jimin's mouth while his arms were wrapped around Taehyung's body, before Jungkook sprang up to his feet and held his beloved. His smile had disappeared, now replaced with the face of extreme worry as he repeatedly called out to him.


"Love, open your eyes!"

"Someone call an ambulance!—Ta- Taehyung, baby look at me, please."

"Please, please, please open you eyes, my angel. S- Someone call an ambulance, please!"

"Baby, I'm right here. You're going to be okay. You're okay. You're okay. You're okay. We're okay. Please let us be okay, please, please."

"I'm right here baby. You're alright. You're not going anywhere."


ahahaha..surprise? Don't hate me please, I love y'all so much!

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I purple you!

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