Chapter 84

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You know what I realised guys? THE BOOK REACHED 5.6k reads!!! And it's all thanks to you people for choosing to read something I wrote. Thank you so much for supporting me through out those shitty chapters, and grammatical errors and late updates!

I couldn't have done this without you. I love you.

I purple you and if you don't take care of yourselves properly, then drop your address in the DMs and I'll come to your house and take care of you <3

I purple you!


After the dinner as well as the deserts were done with, Jungkook seemed overly eager to leave his family house, to finally drive himself and his boyfriend to his own. After much convincing, whining, kisses and puppy eyes, Jungkook somehow managed to hold Taehyung back to stay for the night and take the morning train to Seoul, instead of the night itself.

For the sake of all heavens, he just wanted to go home and spend time with the love of his life before he left for Seoul. Jungkook still hadn't come to terms with the idea of staying away from Taehyung, but he was somewhat now willing to understand the main reason behind it. The younger very reluctantly had to accept the fact that this was going to bring something good, not only for their relationship, but for their individual self as well.

" Eomaa! We're leaving!"

Jungkook exclaimed, using his voice at the full capacity of his lungs to let his mother know from the living room to the kitchen, that they were ready to take their leave. Hearing that, Mrs. Jeon, followed by her husband in tow looked with a frown on her face.

"Jungkook, it's too early to leave yet," she whispered, pushing Jungkook's hair back from his forehead, "Have some dinner with us and then leave. What do you say, Taehyung-ah?"

"I'm o-"

"He must be tired because of the travel and Appa's questions too, Eomma. And plus he has to leave tomorrow, so he should rest early."

Taehyung stared dumbfoundedly at the ravenette upon being cut off when he was about to agree with what Mrs. Jeon had said.

"What about dinner then?"

"I'll make it for him. I know what my Taehyung loves, so don't worry about us." Taehyung blushed crimson at those particular words, and looked down at his own shoes shuffling from one foot to another.

My Taehyung.

"Alright kids, just drive safe and call us if you need anything, alright?" Jungkook's father said sternly, without batting another eyelash at them, and fighting the urge to let Taehyung know that he had accepted him already. But seemingly, he decided against that and followed his wife and the young couple towards the car.

Jungkook was the first one to get inside the car and in the driver's seat, whereas Taehyung turned around for the last time to bid goodbye to Jungkook's parents.

"Taehyung-ah, please never leave our boy. He loves you a lot and I can see that you love him too, and that was one of the best decisions Jungkook has ever made." she whispered in a voice that was audible only between them, with the most sincerest of expressions, "And don't mind Jungwoo. He just acts like he really scary, but he already likes you a lot."

"I understand, Ma'am. I will do the same when it comes to my own baby, so I understand why Mr. Jeon was doing that."

"I can see why Jungkook loves you so much"

Before Taehyung could say anything in return, Jungkook pushed against the horn repeatedly that was practically one of his ways to let his boyfriend know that they had to leave. So with a warm smile and hug, the older got inside the car before they zoomed off towards Jungkook's place.

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