Chapter 56

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Almost instantly after talking to Jungkook, Taehyung had received a call from Hoseok, asking to talk about the event they were hosting two weeks from now. But since he was driving and needed his laptop at the same moment, the guy promised to call Hoseok back as soon as he had reached home.

Even though Taehyung had been tired and hungry since the morning because his body was not able to get a proper rest after spending the night at Jungkook's house, it wouldn't be able to falter his happiness of when he saw his son and Mrs. Chao. Like any other day, the lady must've heard his car zooming into their drive way and had opened the door for him to come inside.

Taking his laptop bag, coat and locking the car after himself, Taehyung almost made a dash for the main door knowing that Chin Hae must've gotten the news of his Papa coming back home. And it did.

As soon as he stepped in, Taehyung felt arms tightening around his legs and heard an excited scream which belonged to his baby.

"Papa! You're back!"

Keeping whatever he had in his hands on the floor, Taehyung didn't waste any other second before picking Chin Hae in his arms and peppered kisses all over his face, making the child giggle. The sound of their laughter was probably the only thing echoing in the hallway, so much that even Mrs. Chao couldn't help but admire the endearing sight.

"I missed you", Chin Hae said while crossing his arms around his father's neck and gave him that heart warming boxy smile which made had Taehyung swooning and melting on the spot. It made him smile to the fullest.

"I know angel. I missed you too. I'm so sorry I'm late." His father pushed back the hair falling down on his forehead to press a soft kiss before leaning down to pick up his coat and bag in his free hand. It had been a tough day, but even then there was no way that Taehyung would let his son down from his arms just yet.

Seeing Mrs. Chao standing at the living room entrance, he walked towards her and placed a kiss to her forehead before grinning down at the old figure.

"How are you? Did you eat anything?" she asked, taking the things from his hand and pulled at Taehyung's soft cheeks whilst smiling, but furrowed her eyebrows when his shook his head.

"I told you to eat something at the Office. Why didn't you do that? I'm pretty sure that big building must have a small café or restaurant." Mrs. Chao slapped Taheyung's cheek softly before ruffling Chin Hae's hair and walked towards the living room with the duo following her.

"I know, Eomma. I had two meetings back to back." Settling Chin Hae on one of the couches, Taehyung took his things from the lady standing in front of him and tried to give her a stern look when he refused to give those back to him, but gave in nonetheless.

She didn't say anything after that but her features softened a little, seeing the grown up man in front of her. It still felt like yesterday when Taehyung used to cry about not being able to see his Parents, and now here he was, being a parent himself.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," Taehyung bent down and kissed Chin Hae's crown before looking between the figures, "Do not move, and Eomma, do not cook."

"I have to call Hoseokie hyung too for some business, but I swear I'll cook after that. So do not move!" With that being said, Taehyung skipped his way towards Chin Hae and his master bedroom to do whatever he had just listed, leaving his Son and Ms. Chao giggling together.

Completing his business in the bathroom, the guy hurriedly changed into a fresh set of clothes and washed his face, neck and arms to relax his stiffened nerves.

Without looking at himself, Taehyung took a hold of his laptop, phone and AirPods, carrying them down the stairs towards the living room where he had oh so politely ordered his son and the person he called Eomma, to freeze. Smiling when he saw the figures intact and on the couch just how he had left them, Taehyung ruffled Chin Hae's hair from behind the couch and gestured for him to follow the other towards the kitchen.

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