Chapter 15

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Jin frantically ran around, checking every possible room in sight while trying to call Jimin.

That guy had been gone for more than just an hour and he would surely miss his speech and degree if he didn't  come back in another 5 minutes. The eldest of the group- Jin and Yoongi were searching for Jimin, while Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon were looking for their maknae.

Feeling scared, Taehyung tried his boyfriend's cell phone again and again, left numerous texts and voice mails, but got a reply to none.

It devastated him to the point that he even tried to call his Aunt and Uncle and like him, they didn't pick up either. The last time he had talked to Jungkook was the time he had read his text and had decided on calling him right after that, that's it.

Not only that, his best friend wasn't answering him either.

Cursing at his fullest, the blue haired guy met up with his hyungs at last on the point decided- the hall, and looked at each one of them with a questioning look in his eyes. Asking if they had found anything about his best friend and boyfriend.


All of them were panting for oxygen, hands on their knees and eyes fixated on the ground. Each of them, although silent, were thinking of the places their friends could be when someone rested their hand on Taehyung's shoulder, making him turn back on his heels.

Just as he did- there stood the least expected person- Bogum.

Over the few days, Bogum had gotten a little closer to their group, except for Jungkook of course, but that's not the point here. The silver haired guy had been asked by one of their professors to call Taehyung beside the stage area for some reason and he was just merely doing as told.

Seeing all them breathing hard like they had just ran a marathon, Bogum's face scrunched in confusion.

"Are you guys okay? And where's Jimin? His speech is next."

"He's.. We.. We can't find him. Jimin and Jungkook are not here." Yoongi breathed, pressing his phone against his ear, he turned away from them. Bogum's eyes and lips widened in shock as he looked at all of their faces before finally settling on Taehyung.

"What do you mean they're not here? I met Jimin when he came here."

"We don't know okay?! They're not answering our texts, not picking up our calls-nothing!"

For the first time, everyone standing there had heard Taehyung raise his voice above his usual level and for the first time they had seen him angry. His chest was heaving up and down as he tried to take deep breaths, but it didn't seem to help.

He wasn't entirely angry, it was more like he was worried about them.

Jimin and Jungkook were both sensible people, but why didn't they use their minds when they're supposed to?!

"Tae, calm down. No need to be angry at Bogum-ssi. He's here to call you and you should go with him." Jin said, resting his hand on Taehyung's shoulder. "But Jin hyu-"

"We'll take care of everything here."

He still wasn't completely at peace with the idea of not searching for Jimin and Jungkook, yet he continued to walk behind Bogum towards the stage and faced the professor that had called for him.

"Taehyung, where's Jimin? He has to be on stage." asked their Economics professor, standing tall at the same height as the blue haired guy. He didn't look a day more than probably his mid 50s in his all black outfit and the perfectly styled grey hair.

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