Chapter 68

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Hola! I'm back with yet another update, though I do apologize for the delay! I'm sorry.

Also, 2.1k reads to the book! Thanks to everyone who chose this book.

I purple you! Stream Still with you, ON, Daechwita, Black Swan and BTS in general!


(Jungkook's POV)

I was this close to losing my control. Taehyung, no matter what he wears or how he looks- the guy is bound to be beautiful. That's just Taehyung.

The first thing that I had seen after waking up was his peaceful face. I swear, he looked so cute with his lips in a pout and those cheeks puffed out like soft marshmallows. My heart skipped beats seeing him like that and what warmed my chest more was the way he was snuggled in my arms. I had been longing all these years to hold him close to myself, but when it finally did happen, it seemed too good to be true.

I must've spent another half hour staring at him, admiring his features as he slept. Thoughts were running through my mind in that moment. All the while in my heart and mind, I was silently thanking the gods for blessing me with a person like Taehyung. Whenever I thought of him- which was for the majority of every day, I couldn't help but question myself if I really deserved him.

A person like me didn't deserve Taehyung, not even in the least. Last night, he had repeated the same thing a lot of times telling me that he has forgiven me for my actions three years ago, but the truth is that I can't come to terms with it. I just can't.

How can I do that? I still cannot forgive myself for giving Taehyung so much pain.

Not only him. Jin,Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin hyung too. All of them.

I know that I was the reason behind their sadness, and yet they forgave me so easily. There was no anger in their eyes when I had first seen them at Jin and Namjoon hyung's diner. They were shocked to see me, but it was because Taehyung had been the one to plan the meeting. No one besides him knew that I would be accompanying him, and even I didn't know that he'd deliberately take me to that place just so I could see my hyungs.

I'm still grateful to Taehyung for that. For everything, honestly. He might say that he has forgiven me, but where did the anger and the pain go? He hadn't taken out the pent up anger on me, he had never done it even three years back. Was he suppressing it? Why? I want him to take the anger out on me. Say something to me, and yet he has been nothing but an angel.

Kim Taehyung is an angel.

These thoughts were invading my mind as I continued to stroke's Taehyung soft cheeks while he slept. I wondered if he was uncomfortable in such a position because firstly, we slept a little late at night after talking and secondly, there wasn't much space for my angel to move.

I didn't really know where his room was, but thankfully Mrs. Chao had already been awake at that time so I asked her. She told me that his room was the second to the left on the floor above and that she'd know when I enter it. I was a little confused by what she meant, but it became quite clear when I did carry him to his room.

It was nothing like I had imagined. Entering it, the first thing that must catch everyone's attention must the breathtaking view overlooking the balcony. Taehyung and Chin Hae's bedroom was surrounded with hard glass, the ones through which the people inside the room can look outside, but no one would be able to see what happens inside.

The sliding doors right in front of the bed were an open path to the huge balcony that gave a fantastic view of the city lights.

But as I approached the bed still in a daze with my angel sleeping in my arms peacefully, I saw Chin Hae sleeping in the middle of the bed with his arms stretched wide and head resting at a weird angle. I couldn't keep the smile that came up to my lips, it was practically impossible to not admire the baby.

There were so many similarities I could see between Chin Hae and my Taehyung- the boxy smiles, the little habits, soft black hair, their love for the people close to them- everything. If I hadn't known the truth of Chin Hae being adopted, it wouldn't be hard for me to believe that Taehyung was his biological father.

I tried being as quiet as possible while tucking Taehyung in bed next to his son. As soon as the bed dipped down, Chin Hae must've noticed it and had turned in his father's direction. It could've been a complete coincidence that the two year old had noticed that it was his father laying down next to him, but I believed otherwise. Such was Taehyung's warmth radiated from his body. It was comfortable.

It reminded me of home and safety.

The baby moved closer to Taehyung and snuggled right into his chest, curling into a ball. I had to gather a hell lot of courage to stop myself from screaming at the sight right in front of my eyes. But, I didn't want to wake either of them up. Tip toeing my way out of their room, I was just about to close the door, I saw Chin Hae's small frame rise up from the mattress.

One thing led to another. I couldn't deny those innocent eyes and the cute pout when he made grabby hands at me, asking me to pick him up. Chin Hae smelled a lot like his dad, not going to lie. The only difference was that it was strawberries mixed with the scent of baby lotion. I had taken more than just a liking towards him, too.

There was this invisible force that made me want to spend more time with him. Plus, Chin Hae and I had loved Ironman, so I didn't mind picking him up in my arms and twirling him around like he was flying.

When asked where I was going, I told the kid about the flowers, and he even asked me if I was going to come back. Of course, I was going to come back, how could I not?

That reminds me, Taehyung didn't say anything about the flowers. Does he not like them?

Staring at my own reflection in the mirror, I could see my cheeks still being flushed with a shade of pink as an aftermath of the kiss. Just the thought of holding Taehyung so close to myself had the hair rising on my arms with a spark running down my spine. The scent of his body wash was still lingering around myself, it was rather so strong that you could even say that someone had sprayed a very exotic perfume in the air.

I was so close to losing control over my senses, seeing Taehyung moaning like that under me. The tip of his ears and neck were coloured red, probably because of the blood rush. He came out almost naked from the bathroom, with only a fluffy, white towel wrapped around his small waist. Chest exposed, I couldn't contain my eyes from roaming all over his body, and neither could my body when I I pulled him to myself.

His waist was so small, his skin soft and delicate like something really precious and out of this world. The urge to hold him and protect him took over almost immediately. And somewhere, in the middle of all the mixed feelings which were surrounding me, I let go of the insecurities that were placed in the back of my mind. There was nothing more than just us in the particular moment. Everything had seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving just Taehyung and I in each other's embrace.

I might've unknowingly said something in the end because of Taehyung's image of being submissive.

It was just then that I noticed the marks on my arms. They looked like it was scratched with only little to less skin peeled off. Scratch marks were quiet visible but only if someone was close enough. The thought that Taehyung must've done these incautiously while we were still busy kissing each other like we didn't ever want to leave- just the thought had me grinning to the fullest. I don't know the reason, but it was clear by just how big my smile stretched.

Just then, the thought that Chin Hae and Mrs. Chao might be waiting for us downstairs came crashing in my mind. What was taking Taehyung so long?

"Taehyung! Angel, we have to leave. Chin Hae and Mrs. Cha-"


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