Chapter 57

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Should I hug him? Would that be too obvious?

"Papa, open the door. You are just standing like a dummy."

Taehyung heard his angel perfectly, he knew that Jungkook was standing right behind the door with a smile on his face or maybe confusion because the former wasn't opening up. Not liking the thought of watching Jungkook frown, Taehyung shook off all the feelings rising inside him while firmly holding on to the door knob not knowing what waited for him on other side.



With Chin Hae on one side and AirPods in his ears while Hoseok was still on the call with him, Taehyung twisted the door knob to reveal a fidgeting, but smiling Jungkook. The guy stood dressed, in a slightly crumpled white button up tucked into his dress pants.

Veins were clearly popping up on the arms as Jungkook had his sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and it was something that Taehyung couldn't help but stare at.

This guy really has been working out, hasn't he?

Seconds passed with the adults just staring at each other and more would've gone by, had Chin Hae not poked his father's cheek and Hoseok hadn't yelled into Taehyung's ears.

Coming back to the reality, Taehyung shifted from one foot to another still not being able to get his eyes off of the smiling beauty in front of him, but tired his best to smile back at Jungkook. Even before he could've spoken up and broken the silence in the air, Jungkook greeted as politely and sweetly as he could with that god gifted beautiful smile.

"Hi hyung", Jungkook said, making Taehyung suck in a harsh breathe before telling himself mentally to not fumble with the words right on the tip of his tongue.

"H-Hi." he whispered, as softly as possible without trying to hide the smile playing on his lips. Jungkook saw that boxy smile and felt his heart race almost immediately, but also saw it drop in a split second.

Realizing that Hoseok was still on the other side of the call, Taehyung immediately shifted his attention to the other before gesturing Jungkook to follow him inside.

"N-No, not you Hyung. What were you saying? I'm sorry I didn't listen carefully."

Carefully following his Taehyung into the house, Jungkook let his eyes roam around the interior like this had been his first time seeing all of this. The corridor upon the entrance was lightened with yellow lights which seemed pleasing to the eyes, both on the ceiling as well on the ground right against the wall.

Turning to his right, Jungkook stepped into the living room for the second time in total and followed the figures as quietly as he could. But while walking towards the kitchen, Jungkook noticed three big pictures hanging on the wall facing the three-couch set. The fact that Taehyung didn't have a TV set installed in the living room was a question of surprise, but what caught his eyes were the bigger frames.

Just underneath the frames were platforms of glass which supported all the smaller picture frames. Among the large frames- the first belonged to Taehyung, Chin Hae and Mrs. Chao, the other of Taehyung with his parents and the last one with the entire group.

Including Jungkook.

How did I not notice this the last time I was here?

That's because.. Taehyung kissed me that time. Oh.

Jungkook's eyes and heart softened while staring at the frames on the wall. His eyes focused only on a certain someone, the same person who had captured his heart long ago. But Jungkook felt a knot in his chest when he took in Taehyung's features from the picture with his parents.

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