Chapter 32

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I've been feeling a bit low for the past few days and I don't even know the reason.

Anyways, I have a really important question to ask. If there was someone, say one of your friends, they came up to you and confessed that they liked you and then you thought that maybe the both of you could give it a shot, so you guys go out twice, but then, they way the girl/guy is personality wise. it doesn't suit you. And you tell that person that nothing can happen between you two. And then a few days go by and you don't talk, and the he/she texts you out of the blue and you talk and everything. They say that they're on their way to get over their feelings.

Do you think that it's too quickly? Like, would you ask yourself the question that if their feelings were real, if they did really like you and it wasn't just infatuation, would that person be able to get over you so soon?

I think this is one of the feeling's that has been bugging me for days now. Anyways, happy reading! Please like, and leave a comment, tell me what you thought about this chapter whether it's positive or even negative, help me improve so that I can write well for you guys and if any of you have an answer to the situation I gave above, then please leave a comment. It would be great help!

I purple you!

For the third time in only two days, Taehyung and Jungkook were once again alone in the former's car, sitting right next to each other whilst some sort of comfortable silence enveloped them. It wasn't awkward in the least.

Jungkook could only smile to himself as he stared out of the window, thoughts travelling to the times when Taehyung and him had gone out on dates and other places just like this, in his car. A sigh escaped his lips as he felt himself drifting off to sleep in that really comfortable seat and the fact that Taehyung's scent was all over the car made it all the more peaceful to him.

The other guy wasn't so oblivious to the soft snoring coming from the person right next to him and this time, Taehyung didn't think of fighting the urge of looking over at him.

So, when they came to a stop at the red signal, Taehyung took the opportunity of secretly stealing a glance at the other male and even leaned in slightly after placing one of his arms on the headrest behind Jungkook's seat. He looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Black hair falling perfectly on his forehead, a calm look pulled over his features like some sort of blanket and a smile on his lush, pink lips.

Those damn lips.

With the way Jungkook's cheeks were puffed out, Taehyung couldn't hold himself back and just softly touched them with the back of his hand, careful not to wake him up. Looking at him, came the thought that maybe, just maybe things could be back to the way they were. That him and Jungkook could really look past all of it and start something new, but what about everything he's built in these three years?

What about all those sleepless nights, the tears, screams and cries for the guy to come back, can they be forgotten so easily? With just a sorry?

"Now that I had accepted every single bit of it, accepted that you don't belong to me, you never did- why did you have to come back?," he whispered, "Why?" losing himself for a while as his eyes darted down to the peaceful body, sleeping not far from him.

"What do you want from me, Jungkook?"

Taehyung didn't mind being this close to him, he never did and maybe never could. He just had to lean in a little, just enough to take in the other's presence completely. He wouldn't have stopped staring at Jungkook, had the light stayed red, but as soon as it changed to green, the cars behind him got impatient and started blowing the horns.

Taehyung looked back through the little gap in his and Jungkook's seat and flipped off the driver behind him before speeding away from the spot with the rest of the traffic.

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