Chapter 80

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A surprise for you guys :) because I purple you!

Two updates at a time!

I really really really hope that you like the chapter.

Taehyung's POV

"Then why are you stopping now, Daddy?"

In the skip of a heartbeat, Jungkook changed our positions and pinned me down to the couch with one of his hands supporting the back of head and the other around my waist. It happened so quickly that, after he captured me on the couch, I felt his hands taking my shoes off before his face came hovering over mine.

As a reflex, my teeth nibbled on my lower lip because of the closeness between us and felt his lower body come in contact to the inside of my thighs as he positioned himself between them. My heart was beating so loud and fast against my chest and seeing Jungkook smirk like he had something going on in his mind, was really not helping. It was as if his eyes were busy ravishing in the sight of my body underneath him,  that he didn't notice just how nervous his hard gaze was making me feel.

"Oh, you know what's stopping me now, baby." he whispered, leaning closer to the side of my face until his lips landed under my ear, "A certain kitten has been avoiding me past these days, and I can't take it anymore."

No one in their sane mind would be able to understand just how this simple sentence gave me goosebumps and urged me to give up to the love of my life and just let him do whatever he wished. I could feel his hand going up and down on my sides, carefully squeezing my waist sometimes, knowingly fully well that it was one of the places where I felt the most sensitive.

"I don't want to be angry with my kitten," he whispered, while his hand reached down to my hip, and was making circular motions before giving it a squeeze which made me want to moan at the feeling, but I only bit my lower lip to hold it back.

Too early to do that?

"I just want to love him everyday of our lives."

Jungkook raised his eyes to look at me and moved the hand which was under my head, to the sides so that he could put some of his weight onto his elbow. His eyes held such a soft expression and a smile as he said those words and somehow, I don't know, the realization that I was with the person I have ever loved, and the only one that I will love, struck me like a wave. It spread like warmth inside my chest and make me feel good on levels that I can't explain.

We were together and so close to each other, and it made me want to wish for everything to stop around us. I wanted the time to stop just for us as we lived through his moment.

"I will love you for the rest of my life, Jungkook." I pushed my elbows against the couch to support my weight as I edged forward to kiss Jungkook on his lips. It didn't even take a second for him to respond to the kiss and his hand was already crawling up from my waist to cup my cheeks in his palms. His lips felt so soft and perfect against my own that just the simple initiation of it had me craving for more that my hands went down and around his torso, rolled the back of his shirt in my palms tightly.

His lips moved in like a practiced, yet a new way each time that we kissed. Feeling slightly breathless because of it, I moved away but not completely and pecked his lips once before letting my head down on the couch.

"I want to love you for the rest of my life, Taehyung. I love you."

"And I didn't mean to avoid you. I'm sorry really." I mumbled.

Jungkook chuckled softly as I apologized and shook his head at me, "I understand, love. It's okay."

He moved to pepper butterfly kisses all over my face and neck, making me laugh at the good feeling of his lips on my body and judging by his actions, I didn't think that he was going to stop any moment so I had to keep him in place.

"You look really handsome, by the way." I said truthfully, moving away the hair that was falling to his eyes and watched as he moved closer to graze the tip of our noses together.

"Well guess what," he whispered, "this is all for you."

God, I swear I felt goosebumps again when he crashed his lips to mine and this time, it wasn't soft in the least. He kissed me with urgency clearly evident and rolled his hips against my crotch, groaning into the kiss as the friction shot pleasure through our bodies. My hands were on his back with shirt bundled in my palm as the kiss got heated. Jungkook's hand on my cheek moved down with his fingers grazing against my neck, jaw and chest as he applied a little pleasure to my waist so that my lower body fell on the couch.

Not wanting to break the kiss, Jungkook tilted his face slightly to the left and let his tongue glide over my lower lip, asking for entrance. It made me smile— more like smirk, when I subtly denied him and pulled his lower body down to mine since he was holding me in place. He tried again to win over the control of our kiss, but growled, in the most literal sense against my lips when I denied.

Knowing this man, I could clearly tell that he was not going to go down so easily so I was ready for when he tried it again. But, the next moment and before I could comprehend anything, Jungkook's hand travelled down to my hips and squeezed them roughly at the same time as he nibbled on my bottom lip. The pleasure was too sudden and the feeling of it shot up to my spine that it was impossible for me to hold back the moan in my throat.

"Ju- Jungkook!"

He broke the kiss to look at me briefly before capturing my lips for in a very short kiss, and peppered butterfly kisses to my jaw. A low whine escaped my throat upon feeling the cold air that hit my lips because of the absence of his against my own, but he looked up at me again with his signature smirk and something different glistening in his doe eyes.

"Say the word, baby."

This bastard and his Daddy kink. He's really trying to rile me up, isn't he?

I smirked slightly and took my bottom lip between my teeth without breaking eye contact with him, hoping to get a reaction from him.

"Or what, Daddy?"

Two can play the game, no?

A low growl escaped from the back of his throat, giving me the reaction that I wanted. Jungkook didn't wait for another second before latching his lips onto the side of my neck and sucked rather harshly on the naked skin. I was sure that this was definitely going to leave marks, but I couldn't care in the least about that, in fact, I wanted him to do that.

Jungkook dug his teeth into my skin after sucking on multiple spots, until he reached the base of my neck and with a simple pull of my skin between his teeth made me feel something different inside my body. I couldn't fathom what it was, but God, was it good.

"AahDaddy!" I moaned, feeling his tongue working magic on that particular spot and I could tell by the way his lips grazed against my skin, that hearing me like that made Jungkook smile, too. Heck, I'd even say that it made him smirk while thinking that he had this effect on me.

But that wasn't wrong in any sense, at all.

"Just tell me when you want me to stop, okay love?" he whispered next to my ear, running one hand up and down my waist and feeling breathless. I was the same— breathless and still trying to soak in all the pleasure that Jungkook was making me feel, but I didn't want him to stop.

I know I've waited long enough for him, and now that he's here— now that we're here, together, I don't want to take chances. I was ready for him. I've been ready for him since a long time, but if he wasn't then there was no need to rush.

I wanted my first time to be with him, and when he was ready.

"I don't want you stop, Daddy," I moaned, feeling his fingers grazing dangerously close and in between my legs. A breathe hitched in my throat because of it, making my back arch slightly and eyes closed.

"But...But we can," damn it, I can't even breathe properly?

"We can stop if you... if you don't want to. I understand."

I tried so hard to write something like this, and I don't know if this is successful or not.

Did you guys like this? PLEASE TELL ME :(

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