Chapter 4

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Jungkook couldn't believe his ear or his eyes. He couldn't believe anything that was happening right in front of him because it seemed hard..hard to even imagine that in these 3 years, Taehyung, his Taehyung, had become a father to a boy who seemed not more than two years of age.

This probably meant that he must be married too. According to him, this meant that Taehyung had already moved on, forgotten him and his love for Jungkook. And how could he even think that Taehyung would still love him even after all that he had done?

How could he still expect him to love him the same after all the pain he had caused?

He had finally returned after 3 years, gathering enough courage to correct his mistakes, but why had he thought that it would be easy? Jungkook had done something so wrong that even he couldn't forgive himself for it. He had broken the heart of the only person he had ever loved and now he's back to mend it? Was it that easy?

It wasn't. It wasn't easy at all and now that he thought that Taehyung was married and was also a father, everything seemed to fall apart around him. He sat still in his position as the scene of Taehyung picking up his son in his arms and looking at him lovingly played in his mind over and over again. He wondered how his wife looked like if their son had such strikingly handsome features?

This was supposed to be a very usual day for Jungkook when he had finally gone out of his new apartment to find some fresh groceries. Sure coming back he had hoped to meet his hyungs and especially Tae, but he had never imagined his first encounter with them after years to be like this. He was just on his way to the nearest grocery store when he had accidently bumped into Jimin. Maybe he thought that his bumping into him was by accident, but what if it was fate? 

What if this was an opportunity for him to do what he came for? To correct his mistakes? He had recognised Jimin in an instant with the same old pink hair, but what he did not expect was the punch. Sure, he had not exactly expected to be greeted with tea and cakes, but a punch was not in the list either and that too from Jimin.

That punch was hard enough to form a bruise on his jaw and he knew that he deserved more than that, so when Jimin completely launched himself onto him, he didn't try to stop or fight back at all. He thought that his hyung would definitely end up breaking his bones, but it was Hoseok who had stopped him from doing so.

Jungkook saw the way Jimin had struggled to get out of their hyung's hold just so he could land his hands on him again, but it was something that Hoseok had said which stopped him completely. Even though he didn't use his fists to hurt Jungkook anymore, it was Jimin's words that burned onto his mind and skin.

Jungkook knew that he deserved every single bit of the pain, but he couldn't control himself from asking his hyungs about the person who had been in his mind and heart for all these years. Just as he asked about him, Jimin screamed at the top of his lungs, "There's our Taehyung" which made Jungkook whip his head around to see what his hyung had been talking about.

He stared at the screen as the camera focused on a very familiar blue haired figure, with a box smile on his lips as he hugged Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon before finally picking up a boy in his arms. Jungkook didn't, he couldn't ignore the looks that were shared between the both of them, and in an instant knew that it was his son. It was Taehyung's son, which to Jungkook meant that he was already married to someone.
Someone who wasn't him.

"H-Ho..Hobi hyung.. Tae.. he's.. he's married? And.. and he has a kid?" Only Jungkook knew just how hard it was for him to even stutter these words out of his mouth because it was something he could've never imagined.

His eyes were fixated on the untouched coffee in front of him as he couldn't bring himself to face either of his hyungs or the reality and they knew it. On one hand, Jimin and Hoseok knew that he wasn't taking the news of Taehyung being a father very well and on top of that he also thought that he was already married.

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