Chapter 31

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Now Jungkook didn't know why he asked that, because he had arrived to Seoul with his mind set on not quitting the job, if he got it in the first place. He was hell bent on getting the love of his life back as well as his hyungs, so when that question slipped out of his mouth, he wanted to take his words back immediately.

The younger didn't want to hear what Taehyung would answer because he knew him well enough to think that whatever his answer would be, it won't be in his favour.

"You can. It's written in the contract. You can resign whenever you want, but you must give the company a prior notice." Taehyung replied in a calm voice, his face showing no emotions whatsoever.

"You're not going to ask me why I'm leaving or even ask me to stay?" he asked, doe eyes filled with hope as he looked the guy in front of him.

"Why should I? It's not like you're going to tell me anyways or stay even if I told you to." That felt like a blow to his heart as Jungkook told himself not to cry at those words. He knew damn well that it was his fault that Taehyung was talking to him in such a way, he had no right to feel hurt just because the other had said merely the truth of it all.

"H-How do you kno-"

" I think you know the answer to that very well."

Taehyung walked out of the private elevator leaving the younger frozen to his feet, only a few seconds away from letting his tears out as he saw the love of his life walking away from him. It hurt him, really, to think that things had turned to this. Jungkook knew that even though Taehyung was acting so harsh, there was still hope that love existed between them. He knew that it would take a lot of time for things to get back to the way they were, but he was all for it.

He was in for whatever it takes to get his people back.

Inhaling sharply, the younger walked out of the elevator, retraced Taehyung's steps to his office and entered without any permission. Seeing his young already on the seat and focussed on the file in front of him, Jungkook took the seat across him and cleared his throat.
"Where should I start with?"

"Just take one of these files, you'll see points that are important for this project, write them in this notebook," he answered, passing a thick notebook to Jungkook and pushed his glasses further up his nose.
"and try to keep in mind the project while you're at it."

With that said, both of them started on their individual files, jotting down whatever seemed important. Taehyung had completely detached himself for his surrounding, putting all of his attention and mind to the work in front of him, while the other seemed to face a little problem. With such a beautiful sight sitting right across him, how could Jungkook focus on the boring words in the file?

All his eyes could focus on was how truly beautiful the love of his life looked, even though he was putting no whatsoever effort. He was merely doing his work with his gaze moving across every word, every line with so much carefulness that he became completely oblivious to the fact that his tongue, very frequently glided over his lips while biting the lower one. How could Jungkook ignore this?

Being this ethereal should be a sin, that's what Taehyung was. He was a sin that Jungkook was ready to commit everyday for the rest of his life.

"If you're just going to stare at me, then you might as well leave, Jeon. You're not doing anything anyways." Taehyung mumbled without looking up from his notebook, shocking Jungkook in the process. The younger couldn't figure out when the other had looked up from his work and had caught him red handed, simply because he had been staring at Taehyung and never did he look away from that stupid notebook.

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