Chapter 65

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Aha! I'm back, guys. I'm still a little sad with what's happening around us, but nevertheless, I still want to post another chapter. Before we get on with it, there's something that I want to do. I really wish to thank you all for choosing my book.

I'm really just thanking on the basis of the notifications about the likes and the comments. I will be missing out on a lot of names, I know. But in my defense, Wattpad only gives you notifications of those who vote, like and add books to their reading list.

Thanks to:


Thank you for adding my book to your reading list. If you're reading this right now, I hope you enjoy the chapter below!

Thanks to:


Thanks to all of you for voting on the chapters! It honestly makes me smile a lot seeing the notification that someone voted for the chapter. I'm really an amateur at these things, but I just want to let you guys know that I'm thankful for everything.

Also, thank you to @taekookieftbts for your comments on the chapter. You're so kind!

I purple you all a lot. To the moon and back. I don't know if y'all got tagged in this for real or not, but I sure hope you read this.

Enjoy the chapter!


A few moments after that, Chin Hae ran off towards his play room to get one of the Iron man action figures he loved. It left the two adults alone in complete silence, with one of them staring down at the food while the other admired him quietly.

Jungkook smiled. A full blown one which was accompanied with the gaze of someone looking at an angel. The younger could feel himself being awestruck, seeing Taehyung look nothing but beautiful and like an angel even though he had just woken up. He seemed such a way in his lover's gaze- perfect.

This is what I want, he thought, I want to be the one to wake up with Tae in my arms, sleeping peacefully and like an angel. I want to make food for him everyday. Take him to his work. Help him with anything and everything. I just want to- no need to be there with him for the rest of our lives. I want to show him everyday just how much I love him.

And I want to grow old with him.

"I asked Mrs. Chao if I could make breakfast for you the way you liked. She told me you love fruits in the morning with juice."

If possible, the blush deepened on Taehyung's cheek. Skin turning into the shade of a very light red. It wasn't hard for Jungkook to not notice his reaction which internally made him coo at the sight.

"Thank you, Jungkook. But you know, you didn't have to go all the way to get these flowers and this, too." the soft expression on Taehyung's face was one of someone who was utterly thankful for whatever had been done for him. In this case, he was thankful and a little flushed, about the efforts.

Reaching out towards the elder's hand and taking it his own, the ravenette pressed a kiss down to the back of his hand. The small, but intimate gesture was enough to make Taehyung's heart swoon in a split second as their landed against each other. Jungkook's smile turned big as the result of the reaction from Taehyung and winked.

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