Chapter 61

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Another update because I'm sorry for not posting this earlier. Please forgive me! Also, I LOVE YOU.
In that moment, Taehyung whispered to himself that it was him who had to be the stronger one. He felt the urge to be the one to comfort Jungkook whenever needed- like in the present moment.

So with that, the elder took a deep breathe while his eyes focused on the ceiling to keep his tears from rolling down his cheek. Surely if he wanted to be strong for Jungkook, he couldn't let the other see his tears. Not now.

Arms tightening around the younger's shoulder, Taehyung held him. He held Jungkook as if he was trying to make it up for all the years of his absence in his beloved's life.

Even though Taehyung was still a long way from confessing that he was still very much in love with Jungkook, he didn't fear reflecting it through his actions. The heavenly feeling, the love he felt for the other had increased so much in the years they were apart, that he was past the stages of hiding it.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Jungkook's sobs stopped a few seconds after he heard the apology that according to himself, he didn't deserve. Why was Taehyung apologizing? Surely, it wasn't his fault, then why?

"Why're you apologizing? Hy-"

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to comfort you when you felt like giving up. I'm sorry I wasn't there to tell you that I love you when you needed to hear it. I'm sorry for everything, Jungkook. Really." Taehyung whispered, still not looking into his eyes, but just by hearing his voice, Jungkook knew that the person in his arms was in pain too.

A pain that he was punishing himself with, even though he wasn't the cause of it.

The words sprouting out of Taehyung's mouth had Jungkook believing that the person he had always been in love with, was really an angel. After all of it, Jungkook had been the cause of every pain, every sad memory, every tear that all of his hyungs had shed, and yet, here Taehyung was the one apologizing to him.

Only an angel could do something like this.

Jungkook couldn't think of anything to do as he stared at the sight in front of him, before capturing Taehyung's chin between his thumb and index finger to make their eyes meet. 

Silence fell around the pair as they stared into each other's eyes. The closer Jungkook brought Taehyung's lips to his own, the faster their hearts thudded against the walls of their chest, and the more impossible it became for them to breathe properly. Feeling a light brush of the elder's lips against his own, Jungkook let his eyes shut and his entire soul pour into the kiss as their lips finally landed against each other. It was a second after that Taehyung had let himself be lost and found in the euphoria that Jungkook had taken him to.

It wasn't the cliché butterfly in stomach kind of feeling. Blood pulsed through their veins as erratically as their hearts were pounding. A current ran up through Jungkook's spine as he felt Taehyung responding to the kiss with the same longing as him.

Jungkook felt his slender finger fist at the back, pulling on to the younger's hair loosely. The kiss wasn't hasty in the least, neither was it filled with lust.

Rather it was all about their love, separation and fear. The way the pair held on to each other reflected their fear of letting go, and the way their lips moved against each other- soft and slow, it was their love. They felt no need to fight for dominance, because they were both clinging on to each other with just the same urgency. Jungkook had caved in to Taehyung's intoxicating, yet sweet strawberry scent long ago and was now he was focused completely on his one true mate.

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