Chapter 43

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I had such a bad start today, I swear. My laptop wasn't working since last night and when I tried early in the morning today nothing happened. I was so sad because if it didn't work then I wouldn't have been able to update the book or do my internship.

But after a few hours it switched on KKSKSKKSKSKS. I'm so thankful for that.



No more Jungkook.

"You look, handsome as usual, Tae." Hyung said, giving me a warm smile while running a hand through his styled hair.

"It okay, hyung. You don't have to say that."

Wasn't that compliment supposed to make my heart race or something? I'm pretty sure that I'm feeling really normal, when I shouldn't be feeling normal.

What is wrong with me?


It was confusing. To Taehyung.

Because at one side, it felt good to be finally out with someone after years, but at the same time, Jungkook wasn't far from his thoughts. In fact, it was because of him that Taehyung felt the urge to check his phone again and again.

But 10 minutes into the car with Bogum and neither of them had said anything.

"Tae, is everything okay?"

Of course, the younger nodded and why wouldn't he? Taehyung wanted everything to be okay and he was going to get his way. He was going to forget all about Jungkook and just enjoy the night with Bogum.

"Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine, hyung." Taehyung smiled his best and hoped that Bogum wouldn't notice that it didn't completely his eyes.

"I'm so glad you agreed to go out with me. I didn't think that you'd say yes if I asked you out on a date."

Okay, so it was a date. A 'date' date.

Taehyung's eyes visibly widened when he heard that and immediately turned to face the window. He obviously thought that It was just two guys going out to get dinner, as friends. Not a date. The guy could feel his heart picking up its pace, while his hands were starting to get a little sweaty. If anyone even asked Taehyung, what he was this nervous for, he would definitely turn blank.

The guy doesn't know why he's so nervous. It's just Bogum. The guy who was in college with him.

"Of course! Wh-Why wouldn't I agree?" Taehyung, oh so visibly stuttered while uttering those words and mentally slapped himself for doing so. He did think that it could be a date, he knew it, but he just didn't wish to accept it.

"I don't know, really. I just thought that you know," he coughed, "I just thought that you still have feelings for Jungkook. And the way he was acting around you, that day at the café, I just thought that it was true."

As soon as Bogum said that, Taehyung's mind went back to that day and the moment when Jungkook was all touchy with him. The face he made whenever he was jealous of Bogum flashed in front of Taehyung's eyes and went away in a second.

"No, no it's not that hyung. It's nothing, really."

"Taehyung-ah, you know I'm not stupid. I saw clearly that Jungkook still loves you and he didn't like it when I was around." Bogum chuckled at the end, turning the steering towards the right and onto the main road.

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