Chapter 9

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(Jungkook's POV)

"Is this him?"

I felt a small hand on my back which I knew belonged to Lisa, the girl Taehyung had been talking with. I was too shocked when I heard those words from his mouth that I couldn't do anything, even though I really just wanted to hug him and feel his warmth. I knew that Taehyung wanted me to do just that, but I couldn't and when Lisa rested her hand on my back while directing the question towards Tae, I just ended up being more confused.

What did she mean by that?

Taehyung didn't bother answering her before he placed his palms on my cheeks, and even though they had a little rough touch to them, I instantly leaned in which spread warmth through out my entire body. As I looked up at him I had expected to see a little bit of worry or maybe shock because he knew that I had heard everything they talked about, but it was something else.

Taehyung's eyes were giving me this soft look, almost like he was admiring me while moving from my eyes and then down to my lips. There was something about them that made my heart beat faster than it does whenever I'm standing close to him.

"Yes it is." his voice, which had always been so authoritative, strong and extremely sexy, came out as a mere whisper and it was so soft that it literally made me melt. I felt like absolute jelly when I turned around to face Lisa, but thank god Taehyung had his arm around my body to keep me from falling face down on the floor. In front of me, Lisa had a smile on her face when she ruffled my hair, making me more confused.

What is this? Confuse Jungkook day?

"You're a lucky guy to have him." she said to me before leaning in to whisper in my other ear, "Taehyung really loves you."

And in a wink, she was walking away from the both of us, leaving us to stare at her fading figure whilst her words went round and round in my mind.

What did she mean by that? Does he really love me? Is she lying? Maybe she's lying. Yeah maybe that's it.

I almost screamed when Taehyung all of a sudden, turned me around in his arms and held me tightly while I watched him with utter shock.

"With that taken care of, shall we go to your next lecture?" as usual, he wiggled his eyebrows at me, acting as if nothing had happened which must I add, made it all the more frustrating to me.

How could he possibly act like this? Like he didn't know that I had heard every single bit of what he said to Lisa? How could he be so calm while I'm literally in tears right now? Well, I'm not exactly crying, but being on the verge of breaking down could be considered the same.

It was as if Taehyung just took it all with so much ease, whereas, I was totally confused with what I had heard and also by what Lisa had asked as well as said to me. What if she was just getting my hopes up for no reason? What if everything she said was a lie? Even when she said that Taehyung loves me?

Taehyung loves me. It can't be.

If he did love me, like she said, then he wouldn't be standing here in front of me, acting like nothing happened. But also, if it wasn't true then how would you explain all the love bites from this morning? If he didn't even like me then why would he be holding me so close to him right now? As far as I know, Taehyung had never stood this close to anyone in our group, not even Jimin hyung, who had always been his best friend.

And how the fuck can he be so calm to ask me if we could go to my next lecture or not?! Does he not feel any of this?

Because of all these really unwanted thoughts, I pushed his arms away from my body and took a step back from him, creating a little distance between us. Taehyung instantly frowned when I did that and was about to step closer to me, when I stopped him.

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