Chapter 62

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I apologize for not updating it sooner and also for the little rant.

I love you guys. Thank you.


The next few hours passed by with Taehyung taking Jungkook to the back of his mind where all his memories had been pushed and locked. The former broke down in the middle of describing just how vulnerable he felt seeing his father's lifeless body being taken away from him forever. Or how empty his home seemed even in the presence of his grieving mother.

And yet, Taehyung was thankful that as he cried his pain away, there was a constant comfort being given to him. Comfort, love and strength. Jungkook radiated them strongly as he held Taehyung dearly to himself and listened patiently.

Jungkook broke down as well after trying to hold back, letting all the emotions surge through his body when the elder described how lifeless, yet beautiful his mother looked while on her deathbed. Strings tugged at his heart when Taehyung mentioned her angelic features when she was being laid down in the casket with not many people around them.

But at the same time, it angered Jungkook to hear that there were some people who had the audacity to throw dirt at the name of the Kim's family just after the death of Taehyung's parent.

He was also angry at himself for not being there, holding his hand and offering comfort and love to Taehyung.

He remembered clearly that there had been no news of Mrs. Kim death being publicized and was met with the answer that it had been Taehyung himself who had requested the media houses to do so. The Kim's have always been one of the highest and the most respected families in the entire Business industry, they were good people.

It had been his humble request to everyone, to just let their parents stay in peace now that they were in a much better place.

Taehyung had told him about the events that followed after. The reason he had sold his house so that it could be turned into a home for someone who needed it, or how he had taken care of the legacy which had been left to him. Never through it all, did Taehyung once fail to mention their Hyungs.

All of them had been his support, his pillars and sources of strength in the moments of hardship, where the fate was testing him by putting up the toughest obstacles. He admitted thinking about wanting to give up, not his entire life- no. Taehyung cleared it when Jungkook abruptly tightened his hold around the elder's waist upon hearing the same thing he had said hours ago, just from the love of his life this time.

Taehyung let him know that he never had the courage of taking his own life. The lives and happiness of his Hyungs were connected to that of his own, even Jungkook's life had been connected to his, so suicide was never in the list. He knew the pain of watching your loved one taking their own life and he wouldn't want his only family to go through the same.

There were moments when he felt like dropping the reality of being the CEO and the owner of The Kim Enterprises, but the thoughts flooded back as soon as they had rained. Even though entering the business world wasn't something that the elder had wished for, he had realized it with time that it had been for the best.

Taehyung was proud of the person he had become, and so was Jungkook. His chest had swelled with pride as he narrated the scene of when he had first met Jimin and Hoseok after years near the coffee shop when the rest of them were in the States, attending the Business Awards ceremony.

If possible, Jungkook had made sure to drill it in Taehyung's mind just how proud he was of even the smallest of achievements that he had made.

More than half of the entire night had passed with the pair narrating to each other the events of their separate lives. It had been in those few hours that both, Taehyung and Jungkook had realized that even though they had been apart for three years, the wall that was their love- it had never once broken down- in fact, it had become more stronger than ever.

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