Chapter 64

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"I love you so much, baby."

The sounds aroused from somewhere within the darkness that had fallen in front of him. Taehyung didn't hesitate a mere second to recognize the voice and the person it belonged to.

It was the same voice, and the words which tugged strangely at the string of his heart, skipping a beat or two as he frantically tried to get ahold of the person. Even though he was in a hurry of finding Jungkook, the beating against his chest seemed only a little faster, but his breathing was completely normal.

"I'll see you soon."

"You look like an angel in white, will you wear that? For me, love?"

With each words, the voice seemed to be traveling farther away from where Taehyung stood frozen to his spot. His hands were trying to grab onto something, his feet were trying to make even a small movement  but he couldn't- no matter how hard he tried.

Feeling as if his hand or maybe his face had gotten cold, almost as if he were in a dream but his mind was somewhere swinging back and forth between the reality and subconsciousness, Taehyung's eyes split open at the sound of something falling to the ground.

Breathing heavily and quickly while checking his surroundings, Taehyung's eyes roamed around himself and heaved a relaxed sigh upon noticing that it was his own room. But what caught his immediate attention was a child, standing next to his feet with a bouquet bigger than his own size.

Chin Hae peaked from the side of it, flashing the boxy smile that resembled with that of his father and stepped forward in his direction along the edges of their bed. Without a second doubt, Taehyung grinned seeing his baby and picked him off the floor while still under the comforter.

"Good morning papa."

"Morning, love. How did you wake up so early?" Taehyung asked, pressing soft kisses to Chin Hae's crown before circling arms around the smaller frame. The question seemed legit because the elder had always been the one to wake him up from his slumber and it was rare for him to wake up on his own.

Another thing that seemed out of place was the bouquet of flowers. They weren't the cliché red roses, instead most of them purple in colour and were paired with carnations of shade pink, white, red-both light and dark. It was indeed a uniquely put together bouquet. Taehyung knew that each flower whether it was a rose, tulip or a carnation- they represented different feelings depending upon it's colour.

How did Chin Hae get these? I'm sure our garden doesn't have them.

His brow knit in confusion while the eyes focused on the child in his arms. Chin Hae's doe eyes were fixated on the flowers in his small hands, fingers grazing softly over them while being careful so that none of them was harmed in the least. He was so mesmerized by them that the kid actually forgot that they had been bought by a certain someone for his father.

When the dazed baby still hadn't answered, Taehyung repeated his question but only it was softer than ever.

"Oh.. Papa," he stumbled before continuing, "Kookie came to our room. He was holding you like a... like a princess!" Chin Hae giggled, remembering the moment when Jungkook had tried to walk into the bedroom while making the least noise possible with Taehyung secured in his arms, bridal style.

He had successfully opened the half shut door, and even managed to tuck his beloved into bed but before he could trace back, Chin Hae woke up.

Taehyung's body grew hotter, visibly brushing the cheeks and tip of his ears slightly pinkish.

"Kookie was going... I asked- he said he was going to come back with flowers for you."

If possible, Taehyung felt his heart melt away the same second his angel confessed. Taehyung trusted Jungkook with Chin Hae even though the duo had met only a handful of times outside the work zone, that is Taehyung's office.

Without wasting any more time, the elder took the flowers out of Chin Hae's hand and picked the baby in his arms, bridal style and brought him close to his chest. Feeling the warmth radiating from Taehyung, it had become natural for the child to be attracted to it and snuggle further into the safe embrace of his father.

"Papa's not angry, Chin Hae. Why would I be angry?" he smiled reassuringly at his angel.

"Promise, papa?"

"Promise, angel. I can never be angry at you. I love you too much for that."

" I love you, papa." Chin Hae mumbled against his father's chest, before adding more to it, "I like Kookie too. He's nice and he loves you."

"Wha- Who said tha..that to you?" Taehyung gaped, most certainly shocked at the phrase and watched Chin Hae open his mouth to answer, but the sound resonated from someone else.

Jungkook stood at the door, neatly dressed in a white shirt, paired with cream coloured pants and shoes that completed the outfit perfectly.  Soft black hair fell on his forehead as he grinned looking at the father-son duo with a tray of food in his hands.

"I asked him the same thing. He said Jin hyung did."


Taehyung couldn't focus for a good few seconds, as his eyes fixated on the figure still standing at the doorway. A chill ran up his spine noticing the smile on Jungkook's lips, the way he was dressed and they way he stood there looking at him- like he was in love. If he had been in his right mind, the elder would've never admitted to feeling his heart suddenly beating loud through his chest, so much that the sensation of it was ringing in his ears.

In his subconsciousness, Taehyung admitted to himself that Jungkook looked handsome- more than just handsome, actually. Veins were popping at the side of his neck which was visible to the elder and so were in his biceps. He seemed to be transfixed in the moment to not notice that excitedly, Chin Hae had jumped off of his father's lap to hug the other around his legs.

He... He looks absolutely stunning. Handsome.

But there was something else that made him look more attractive than humanely possible. The elder couldn't put a finger on what it was or could be, instead just continued to stare at the figure until Jungkook himself pulled him out of the thought boat.

He rested the tray of breakfast down on Taehyung's lap and bent forward to kiss him. Holding his chin between the index finger and thumb, Jungkook placed his lips against that of his beloved's and let them linger on the spot for a good few seconds, not realizing that it had made Chin Hae smile so much that his doe eyes turned into tiny crescents.

The younger knew fairly well that Taehyung was too dazed to kiss him back, so he pulled back with a smile only to kiss his forehead before sitting down next to the elder's legs on the bed. He gestured for Chin Hae to walk over to the bed where Jungkook picked him up and rested him on his lap, both of them facing Taehyung.

It was as if the older had forgotten to breathe and just work for a good few minutes. He sat there with food on his lap while staring back and forth between the two people he loved. Never had he ever felt something like this- whatever it was. Being in this particular moment took Taehyung down the dream where him and Jungkook were a family. A real family.

Where somedays, Taehyung would wake up earlier than the other and prepare breakfast, bring it to him in their own room. Uncountable days and nights with the couple sleeping and waking up together with Chin Hae right in the middle of their bed. Will it ever be possible for Taehyung and Jungkook to be together like they yearned for?

Innumerable days of love, passion, care, trust, loyalty and promises all to each other.

"Will it ever happen?"


Hi guys! Sorry for the delay in posting this chapter. The story is progressing and will be completed soon! Please remember to share, follow, and vote if you liked it!

Thank you! I purple all of you!

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