Chapter 73

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NamJin are my parents, but so are TaeKook. I want them to adopt me, but it seems to good to be true. Anyway, STREAM 'ON' OR ELSE BTS WON'T BE ABLE TO WIN DAESANGS! STREAM, STREAM, STREAM!

I purple you so much, in the most literal sense and I hope you're taking good care of yourselves! The weather is getting hot nowadays, so please drink a lot of water!



"We have decided to adopt," Jin started. One of his hands was held by Namjoon to provide his husband with comfort while the other played with the hem of his shirt. The eldest had never felt such a way, like questioning himself whether his family would accept this decision or not. A very overwhelming feeling filled both of their minds as they stared at the people sitting in front of them.

"And more specifically, it's Grace. We want to adopt Grace." Namjoon added, smiling first at his husband and then the others.

The thought of adopting a child had been circling in their minds for a long time now. Namjoon had always wanted kids with Jin, but they knew that there had to be a right time for it just like there is a right time for other things. On top of that, the thought of raising a child came with a lot of things.

They wanted only the best for their child, every parent does. The fear that the child, if they adopted one ever would notice someday that his parents weren't 'normal' in the eyes of the society because they were both men, or that the child would see it for themselves that his parents were not like the others. But even then, Jin and Namjoon wanted to provide with their child with love and care, the best education-everything.

To step into a new phase of their lives, the couple had to be first, financially and mentally stable. Raising a child was no game and they had seen it for themselves when Taehyung had adopted Chin Hae almost two years ago now. They had witnessed the efforts and the sleepless nights their younger had put into parenting, while handling the business alongside. They could see just how well Taehyung has been taking care of Chin Hae because the boy was surely growing into a good person each day.

"Hyung," Hoseok whispered, "Are you sure?"

"We are, Hoseokie. We've thought a lot about this." Namjoon answered this time, giving them a very assured smile. On the other side, Jimin had heaved abruptly from the couch he was sitting on, eyes throwing some sort of signal at this best friend before walking towards Jin with rushed steps.

In a split second, the smaller man had his arms curled around his Hyung's torso while resting his head on Jin's chest, "We support you, Hyung. Always."

"And Happy Anniversary you two." He whispered, smiling between the couple and turned around to see Taehyung walking in with a cake held in his hands. The happiest of smiles took over their faces while they gathered around Jin and Namjoon to hug them together. The married couple had a shocked look on their faces, mouths gaping at their brothers as Taehyung approached them.

"You remembered," Namjoon sighed in disbelief. Almond eyes growing wide at the sudden action and words, but it seen turned up into a grin as he registered just what was happening around him. At the same time, Jin was having a completely different reaction with tears almost welling up in his eyes and the tip of his nose turning red.

The feeling was overwhelming, not only because of what Jimin had said, but also because of the reaction they had received as well as the little anniversary surprise. Neither of them was expecting it and none of the others had shown even the slightest hints of anything.

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