Chapter 60

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I love you guys so much.
"There's more hyung," he said, "By the time I woke up this morning, I was already late and I swear love, I didn't mean to do it on purpose. And I promise that I'll never drink that much ever aga-

-Wait. W- Why are you laughing?"

Jungkook was interrupted in the middle of the apology that he had been rambling by Taehyung's laugh erupting in the entire hall. It was like music, much better than music if you ask the younger and just the simple question, of whether he'd be able to hear this laugh for years and years- until they grew old together was heart shrinking. He didn't want to ever think of such a day.

He wanted to grow old with Taehyung. Get his beloved to see that he wasn't going to leave this time, wait for his hyung for as long as he wanted to. He wanted to take a step towards the future with Taehyung and Taehyung alone. Jungkook wanted to start a family with him and wished for Chin Hae to accept him as another father figure and someone who deserved Taehyung.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have laughed but I just couldn't.." he giggled, covering his lips with those slender fingers that Jungkook wanted to take into his own hands.

"I couldn't stop. Jungkook-ah, you don't have to apologize for last night or today. If anything, I wouldn't want it any other way."

Jungkook could swear that his heart swooned hearing those words from the man sitting next to him, and didn't hold back the smile that made way on his lips. He quietly thanked the gods for Taehyung had his eyes still closed at the moment, because for some reason he thought that if his elder would've seen that, it would have turned him into a blushing mess.

"But hyung, " he said, "you see, I did go to work today. Even though I was late, I got dressed as best as I could."

Jungkook continued while pointing to his crumbled shirt, "When I got there, the first thing I wanted was to see you and thank you and say sorry for last night, even though I don't remember most of it. But when I reached, Sehun told me that you won't be coming to your office today because of your meetings.

And when I said that I'll just call you, he umm... he asked me a lot of things. And do.. how do I say this." That put him into deep thought for how was he supposed to repeat those hurtful words that had escaped Sehun's mouth?

Hearing what the events were going to, Taehyung's eyes flew open and neck turned to his left, he saw Jungkook staring down at his fingers which were resting on his lap.

Taehyung wasn't stupid in the least to decipher some part of what Sehun must've said to the younger. He was smart enough to question whether his assistant's words were the reason  Jungkook had been crying when he had called, merely because he was worried about him and had missed him dearly.

He had wanted to hear Jungkook's voice for once to relieve him of the stress that the meetings had given him, but hearing him cry had only added to the reason of his worries.

"Jungkook, what did he say to you?"

When one didn't answer, the other knew he had to do something. Taehyung had to gather whatever courage he had left in his body and moved towards Jungkook, closing the distance between their bodies. Carefully, and softly, he let his slender fingers slide into one of Jungkook's hands while letting the other curl fingers around the younger's neck.

Noticing the swift motion of Taehyung's hand slipping into his own and the other around his neck, Jungkook did not hesitate another second to interlock their fingers and give in to his calming touch. His hyung's thumb was tracing light circles on his cheek which, by the passing minutes only made it difficult for Jungkook to keep his tears at bay.

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