Chapter 42

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(Taehyung's POV) 

After being done with our hair and everything, Jimin and I gave the shop a signature, as a sign that the both of us were here. It was one of the way we could show our gratitude for the great work they did, even if it was merely dying our hair.

Holding my baby's hand, we walked out of the store with some of Jimin's bodyguards following us while we walked to my car, because earlier, I had asked Jimin to accompany Chin Hae and I to our house, get something to eat before leaving and he obviously, didn't refuse. 

I knew that I had a 'date' with Bogummie hyung, so I only cooked for the two of them and went to change into a fresh set of clothes while they ate in the dining room. The first thing I had done after coming home was trying Jungkook's number again, but no one picked up this time too and I admit that I was starting to get worried, probably for no reason because the guy was a grown ass man with more muscle and strength that I could ever have. 

But, I guess everything happens for a reason. 

Staring at my own reflection in the mirror, I moved my fingers around my wet hair before stepping back to look at my upper half. 

My skin was clearly tanned, more like honey coloured probably because of the vitamin D intake back when Hobi hyung and I went to Jeju Island, the both of us laid down under the sun without thinking that we would get tanned. Thank goodness that we had umbrellas to cover our faces, else we would have to get a de-tanning session as well. I wanted to keep it casual, the 'date'with Bogummie hyung, so I didn't dress up in my usual attire which was a suit, rather, this time I chose the Olive green V-neck and paired it with black jeans and shoes. 


While blow drying my hair, I couldn't help but let me thoughts wander back to Jungkook and what he must be doing at the moment, I wanted to know why he didn't answer my calls even once, but I guess that'll never happen. 

Am I betraying Hyung by agreeing on going out with him, even though I still feel strongly for Jungkook? That's what I should be doing, right? I should just tell Jungkook that I still like him, but how? I don't even know everything because I didn't give him the chance to properly explain last night.  

I need to shake this off.

"Kim Taehyung, you cannot be thinking about Jungkook when you're going out with Bogum Hyung.", I tell myself while slipping my phone and wallet in my pockets. I just hope that things turn out good tonight. With one last look at myself in the mirror, I walked down to the dining area and saw Jimin already washing his and Chin Hae's plates. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to not wash dishes with those tiny hands of yours?"

"Taehyung, do me a favour will you?" He asked, turning back to look at me with a deadly smile stretched on his lips. I hummed in response and rested my palms on the table, standing right behind my son.

"Get out of the door and fuck off." 

A laugh escaped my lips just as I walked towards Jimin and pulled him away from the counter while patting his hands dry with the towel. From the corner of my eye, I could see Chin Hae looking at his father and Uncle, with that goofy, cute smile and it honestly made me wonder what went on in that little mind of his. One thing I knew was that he looked up to Jimin just as much he looked up to me or my hyungs. All of us felt like a family.

Jimin sat down on one of the chairs, gesturing for me to take the one next to him.

"Sweetie, come here." he motioned Chin Hae to come to us and placed him on his lap before pressing a kiss to his crown.

"Papa, are you going somewhere?" his small fingers continued to play with Jimin's hand as he asked that question without taking his doe eyes away from mine.

I nodded. "With Kookie?"

I swear I choked on my own saliva when my son asked that. Not that he didn't know about Jungkook, obviously he would know keeping in mind the pictures I have of him and also that Chin Hae has a very curious mind. I remember the day he asked me why I kept Jungkook's picture in my wallet next to his and not of my hyungs, I admit that, that question made me want to slap my forehead because back then even my kid made a fair point.

I carried the picture of someone who probably didn't think twice before leaving me, and not of those people who stood by me everyday. But I guess that's what happens when someone so close to your heart leaves you out of the blue with only memories and questions. I love my hyungs, yes. I love Jungkook, yes. But it's different. I never understood why I couldn't gather the courage to take that picture out of my wallet, and I still don't. It's just that keeping that with me, felt like I had a part of him with me always.

"Kookie isn't answering your papa, so he is going out with a friend. You remember the one who came to the party, yes?"

Chin Hae nodded his head, a small frown taking over his lips as if in distaste.

"What is it baby?" I asked, softly brushing his hair away from his forehead.
"But Uncle Jin said you love Kookie, don't you love him, Papa?"

Jin hyung, why must you teach my kid about this?

"I do, why?"

"Then eat ice cream with him, not him." Chin Hae dropped to the ground and stomped his feet like a two year old that he was. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, and picked him up in my arms while getting up from my chair. He had that cute angry look on his face that I just had to kiss his cheek.

"I wish, I could do that too."

"You know you do have a choice here. I think Bogum would understand if you tell him the truth and you already have Jungkook waiting for you." Jimin said.

"Do I? Is he really waiting for me, hyung? Why isn't he picking up my calls then?"

"Taehyung-ah, he might be busy or something, but jus-"

It was just then that the bell rung, cutting Jimin off mid sentence. I rested Chin Hae on Jimin's lap before going to see who it was. Of course, I did know who it was, but like, nevermind.

Shouldn't I be feeling a little, you know, butterflies in my stomach kind of thing? Because I'm here, walking towards the door to let Bogum hyung in, and I don't feel anything. Maybe I'm just thinking too much? Yeah, maybe.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw hyung dressed up nicely in a black shirt paired with a leather jacket and jeans. Why is this outfit definitely something Jungkook would love to wear? Okay, stop right there.

No more Jungkook.

"You look, handsome as usual, Tae." Hyung said, giving me a warm smile while running a hand through his styled hair.

"It okay, hyung. You don't have to say that."

Wasn't that compliment supposed to make my heart race or something? I'm pretty sure that I'm feeling really normal, when I shouldn't be feeling normal.

What is wrong with me?


This chapter is a really short one, I know. But please read the next chapter to find out what happens next!

I purple you!

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