Chapter 55

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It had been yet another long day for the seven of them.

Jin and Namjoon were relaxed in the kitchen of their Diner, sipping quietly on their green tea since they had only a few minutes as a break before they were needed to get back. The soft breathing mixed with silence in the air was such, that neither of them was ready just yet to break the peaceful moment.

Two years had already passed since their marriage and tomorrow was going to add another. It was their third year anniversary the very next day and the couple felt content knowing that giving their heart to the other was one the best decisions ever made.

There was going to be no big celebration, instead the couple had a big surprise planned for their friends.

Seeing Namjoon- his precious husband sitting right across with a book that he has been reading for quite a few days, in his hand and tea in another, Jin couldn't help but smile adoringly.

"Mon-ah" he said, keeping his own cup on the table and rested his chin on top of his crossed arms.

Seeing his lover like this, looking peaceful as he read through the words- Jin swore in his mind that it was one of the sights he could never be tired of watching, just like one can never get enough of the sunsets and sunrise.

It was beautiful. Soothing and serene.

Namjoon looked up from his book only to find his husband admiring him, completely absent in his thoughts and it made him smile.

"Yes, love?"

"Nothing." When Jin answered with this, the other freed his hands from whatever he had been holding and crossed his way over. Their gaze never once left each other and neither did the smile from their lips. Instead of standing next to him or sitting, Namjoon crouched down to his knees and took Jin's hands in his own before pressing a kiss on both of them.

"I have to say, love, you never fail to look amazing."

This little confession, even though Namjoon said something along these lines everyday- it never failed to make Jin blush either. This wasn't something that he had been doing ever since they got married, in fact, things had been like this ever since he was being courted by the man who's now his husband.

Even when they were together in a relationship before getting engaged and eventually married, Namjoon had always loved to complimented Jin and it would either end up with him blushing or replying with something so funny that they'd laugh for hours thinking of it.

It was good like that.

Sure they did have times when they were both going through problems individually- like when Jungkook had left or when Jin had decided to open his own Diner. It was hard. When Jungkook had left so abruptly, it had taken a toll not only on Taehyung's personal life, but on everyone else's too since the youngest had been important to every one of them.

There were days when Jin had his moments, thinking about how the youngest would be. How grown up he would've been by that time and days when the only feelings he had were of being unsure. It was rather out of the blue of him to decide upon opening his own food place, thinking whether this little business idea would work out or not because Jin didn't want to be a burden to his fiancé, now husband.

After they had finally graduated with their degrees, Namjoon had worked for quite a while with Taehyung as one of the employees in the Business Strategy department, whereas Jin had worked as a professor of Arts and Theatre in one of the best Universities. The couple had worked hard, trying to make a living for themselves and came back to each other at the end of the day knowing it was their home.

Slowly, when they made good progress and had saved enough money, Jin had introduced the idea of opening his own Diner which honestly shocked Namjoon to the core. This had been only after the few days of when the other had proposed him. Thinking through the entire plan took more than just a few weeks for Jin and a lot more to convince his fiancé that he really wished to do this.

And who was Namjoon to go against what the love of his life wished for?

So with that, they planned everything for the Diner in the approaching days. Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung were obviously a big help with all of it because even though they were busy with their own schedules, they took out time to help the couple find a suitable place and the furniture.

In a private conversation, Taehyung and Yoongi had even asked Namjoon if they could help in any way but knowing that neither of them would want that, it wasn't forced any further. And in a matter of few weeks, they found the place, the advertising agency that would help, the best furniture- everything, and soon enough the place was ready to be open for the customers.

The starting months were tough, even to make ends meet when the night was over, but they didn't stop trying.

Namjoon had left the job he was previously working with Taehyung so that he could help full-time at the Diner since they didn't have a big staff at the initial stage. Things seemed to fall into place and soon enough the food joint became very well-known among people, they gained a lot of regular customers and even friends.

And tomorrow, they were going to start another chapter of their life.

Jin bent down and kissed Namjoon softly, quietly thanking the gods for blessing him with such an angel in the disguise of his life partner. When he felt his husband's palm against his cheek, they pulled away- resting their forehead against each other.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Jin asked, eyes still closed.

"I'm a little scared, Hyung."

"Scared of how everyone's going to react?" the elder asked, caressing Namjoon's cheek before tracing his soft features with the tip of his fingers. Jin frowned a little when his husband shook his head in denial of what he had just asked.

"I've always wanted to be a father and now that I'm getting the chance to be that, I don't know if I'll be good at it or not."

Hearing that, Jin didn't let another moment pass and just kissed his husband on his lips, taking him by surprise and then moved to place another kiss to his forehead.

"Don't think like that, Mon-ah. You're going to do great", he said, "You've always told me that I'll be a great father, but you're going to be one too. I can't be a father if you're not by my side."

Namjoon eyes turned into crescents, dimples appeared on his cheeks when he heard his lover and proceeded to stand up, taking Jin's hand with him and asked him to do the same. Namjoon pulled his husband closer to himself by the waist and saw him locking his arms around his neck as they closed the distance between each other.

"I love you, Kim Namjoon and I'm blessed to have you as my life partner."

"And I love you, Kim Seokjin. I don't what I would've done without you. "

Staying in each other's embrace for as long as the break allowed, the eldest of them looked up to his partner, "I would love to stay like this, but we have to work. I can't let Heechan and Naomi handle everything on their own."


Here's a snippet from the lives of Namjoon and Jin! I thought that it was only fair of me to provide few details about how their lives are going around as well!

This is a small one, so I hope you liked the chapter!

Thank you for choosing my book and reading through it! I purple you!

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