Chapter 71

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HAPPY SEVEN YEARS TO BANGTAN AND TO US ARMYS!! I love BTS so much, they've helped me through the toughest times and I don't even know just how to put all of that into words.
This is my 7th year with them, sigh, it feels like only yesterday that I was shaking madly when I saw the last member to be revealed which was Taehyung.
Fœtus Bangtan will always make me cry, but not being with them would make me cry more.

Also, this book will end before the chapters hit 85, which is really soon!

Happy reading!
As soon as the two males stepped inside through the main doors, a bunch of kids wrapped their arms around Taehyung's legs recognizing him first, but maintained distance with Jungkook. He was still a new face to them so this kind of reaction was expected. A smile stretched on his lips as he noticed the little encounter and the chuckle that escaped his beloved's lips as crouched down with his arms open.

"Kids, I want all of you to meet someone but first," he said, stretching his palm forwards, "promise me that you play with him like you do with us. Come on."

One by one, eyes fell back and forth between Jungkook's face and then to Taehyung. It seemed as if the kids were thinking to themselves if the younger was trustworthy even though it was Taehyung talking about him. But seeing the older pout, they gave in and rested their small palms on top of his.

Taehyung looked next to him, gently took a hold of Jungkook's hand in his own and signaled for him to crouch down next to him. All the while, the elder didn't once leave his hand and kept a firm hold on it as he introduced him to the children.

"This is Kai, Yoonjin, Baekhyun and Sara," Taehyung bopped their noses while taking their names before turning to see Jungkook, "And this, is Jungkook. You can call him Kookie hyung, okay?"

Kookie hyung?

A chorus of shy 'hellos' echoed, but the kids broke into grins as soon as Jungkook flashed his own smile.

"How're you guys? All of you looks so adorable." he said offering a grin.

On the side, Taehyung was quietly massaging the hand he was holding in his own. He knew that Jungkook had always been good with kids and there was no doubt that he'd befriend them in minutes. Running his slender fingers over the back of Jungkook's hand was a way to calm himself and his thoughts; to assure himself that the night was going to be all good and happy for everyone.

Soon enough, the four introduced children were already pulling Jungkook away to show him all the toys they had. The older shot him an assuring look and mouthed, 'It's okay'. Finding his way around the familiar house, he walked towards the living room by following the loud laughing noises which echoed down the hallway.

"He's here!" An ecstatic scream left Jimin's lips as he ran towards the other and jumped mid-way, trusting Taehyung to catch him. In the back, their hyungs laughed while admiring the two friends and their way of greeting which never changed. Taehyung clasped his hands securely under Jimin's thighs and walked over to the rest, still smiling.

"Why're you late? And where's Jungkook? I asked you to get him as well." the questions kept coming from Hoseok even when he hugged the other.

"Nice to meet you too, Hoseokie hyung. I missed you too." Taehyung answered, smiling sarcastically at the older. The questioning expression dropped from his face upon hearing the comment, and apologized to the other while ruffling his hair.

"I'm sorry Taehyung-ah. I just wanted him to come, really."

"I understand, Hoseokie hyung. I was just kidding"

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