Chapter 12

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(Jimin's POV)




Another nod.


I whispered in his ear for possibly the nth time in an hour, but all I got was a nod.

Again and again.

Letting out a huff and a glare at the guy next to me, I turned my eyes towards my phone which had been lying on the top of the notebook that I was supposed to be writing in.

During the entire lecture, Taehyung had been jotting down notes whereas I hadn't even taken out my pen or had written even a single word and since the last 59 minutes, the only things that I had done were trying to get my best friend's attention, sleep, check my phone, and did I say get attention from Taehyung?

I don't understand how he's able to stay focussed and sit still in these ass numbing seats. I just want this lecture to end so that I can run to the cafeteria and have some food.

Knowing that we were going to be dismissed any time soon, I shoved my notebook quickly into my bag and phone inside my pocket while my fingers drummed against my desk and as soon as our professor turned around, switching off the projector and keeping its remote on the table, almost the entire class had jumped out of their seats, including myself and some had even ran out with their bags.

Turning towards the blue haired guy next to me, I noticed the way a sigh escaped his lips while he pushed his notebook into the bag.

"Taehyung-ah, what're you thinking about?" I asked, instantly sitting down in my previous seat with the entire attention focused on him. He slowly ran a hand through his hair, pushing them away from his forehead before looking at me.

"One month, Jimin-ssi. One month is all I have left."

Knowing clearly what he was on about, I couldn't wrap him in a hug because of the position we were in, but nonetheless, I rested my hand on top of his and held it tightly in both of mine.

Saying that I knew how he was feeling- feels really wrong, because if I'm being completely honest even though we're best friends, I can't say that I feel the pain he's going through everyday, because I really don't.

I don't know how it feels to live in the constant fear of losing your father to some incurable disease.

I don't know how it feels to be in Taehyung's shoes right now, but all I can do is be there with him through it. I know he's going through a tough time and it's going to get harder from here; someone has to be there next to Tae so that he doesn't feel alone. So that someone can help him pick up the broken pieces.

"What am I going to do, Jimin-ah?"

"You're gonna get through this. We are, I'll always be right next to you, Taehyung-ah. You'll never have to walk alone." Tears were visibly forming up in his eyes, but he stopped them from coming down his cheeks.

I could see the tip of his nose going red which made me want to hold him even tighter. Almost everyone around us had left already and we were the only ones sitting on our seats in the middle of the entire class.

With a small nod, Taehyung cracked a smile that didn't reach his eyes and wiped his palms over his face before pushing himself up from his seat.

"I know that," he looked at me while helping me up and gave my hand a light squeeze, "I'll always have you, just like you'll always have me."

With that, we made our way towards our usual place in the cafeteria. As soon as we entered, my eyes immediately zoomed in on our table and saw the rest of our friends already chatting with each other.

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