Chapter 26

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Another update! Honestly, I really feel like logging out of my Instagram account for a few days because I really just don't want to talk to people, except some. It's not like the absence would matter, so whatever.

I hope y'all are keeping yourself safe, wash your hands, eat healthy! Please take care of yourself.

A week. An entire week had passed since that little incident in the model room between Taehyung and Jungkook, ever since then the former had been avoiding to initiate any conversation with the other and kept to himself instead.

To the lengths this devastated Jungkook couldn't be put into words, he was angry at himself for not thinking before he spoke up and had gripped his hand. He cursed himself for not waiting a little longer to talk about that when he should've clearly just let the matters cool down a little.

He hated the fact that Taehyung kept ignoring him whenever he initiated a conversation with him and if that wasn't enough, he just had to look at Sehun's smirk everytime that happened. Believe it or not, Jungkook could never come to like that assistant as he felt like Sehun was actually enjoying all of it. Whenever Sehun and Taehyung stood close to each other in front of him, Jungkook's blood would boil at the sight, his fingers would ache to get Sehun away from his Taehyung and warn him, saying that the angel belonged to Jungkook only.

The day had finally come when Jungkook's boss had successfully arranged a meeting with the Investors, crossing off the other things off his schedule. The younger had worked hard, harder than he ever had in his life before and just wished for the presentation to do its work, because while him and Taehyung were working on it together, he realised just how important this particular project was for him.

And since their little disagreement, Taehyung had been arriving a lot early at his office, immediately starting his work at the model as well as the other things that needed a little retouch here and there. All through the while, he didn't say anything to Jungkook, besides helping with the work.

When he finally arrived at the office, Jungkook was instantly met with a scowl faced Sehun standing at his reception desk. Without paying much heed to it, the younger was about to head to his own cabin when the assistant told him that their boss had asked for him just a while ago.

Must be for the project, what else would it be? He thought and nonetheless knocked on the hardwood door before entering. The second his eyes landed inside the room, the first thing or person he saw was Taehyung, of course, looking as handsome and ethereal as ever in his neat suit.

"G-Good morning, Sir. You asked to see me?" He asked while cursing himself internally for stuttering in front of the guy. Jungkook watched as the other's eyes snapped up from the photo frame he had been previously staring at, to look at him with a calm expression.

"Mr. Jeon, would you like to accompany me to the meeting today? With the Investors?"

The younger did a double take at that sudden question, his already big doe eyes widening in shock while his lips parted a little as he gasped.
"W-What? M-Me? To the meeting? But why? Isn't Sehun supposed to do that?"

"I don't see why not. You've helped me greatly with this project and I don't see why you shouldn't get the credit for it. So, do you want to or not? I can go on my own." Taehyung got up from his chair and fixed the cuffs of his suit before looking at his younger, expecting an answer.

Is he for real? He's asking me to go with him? Should I scream? Oh my lor-

"Mr. Jeon,  I don't have an entire day."

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