Chapter 48

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(Jungkook's POV)

"Taehyung, please listen to me! Don't leave, please." I pleaded, tears falling to my cheeks while my palms cupped Taehyung's soft, tear stained cheeks. Hiccups escaped his mouth as he tried to stop himself from crying harder and pushed me away from himself.

"You left me, Jungkook! You left all of us..", Taehyung cried. I saw him stepping back, walking towards the white light that stood still behind him, as if it was waiting. Waiting for my Taehyung to succumb to it.

"You..Namjoon and Jin hyung love you so much, Yoongi and Hobi hyung love you, Jimin-ah loves you like his little brother and you... you left them! They loved you and you did this." I reached my hands out to try and hold Taehyung, to hold him back from stepping into the light, fearing that he might leave forever, but something kept pulling me back. Something so strong.

I cried and screamed and ran and tried to do something, anything to stop the love of my life from going away from me, but nothing seemed to work.

"Love, please! I'm here, I'm back. Please give me another chance. Please let me show you, please, please, please, just don't go." I pleaded and walked towards him, but the distance between us didn't close. I couldn't get to him no matter how hard I tried and Taehyung was just one step away from the light. I felt my heart going crazy, wanting to leap out of my chest, my hands were aching to hold him close to myself and not let him go, but I couldn't do anything.

"Taehyung, No!"

I felt my entire body jerk forward so hard that the sound of my bone cracking was clearly heard. I blinked my eyes a good few times to adjust to the bright light coming inside the room and felt a sharp pain at the side of my head.

"What.. the hell was that?" A whisper came out when I actually tried to speak, but my throat felt so dry, like I had been thirsty for the longest time ever. My eyes roamed around the room that I was in, the first thought that came to my mind as I did was relief.

It was good to know that I had woken up in my own room, with my clothes on and not in some stranger's house. I would never cheat on my Taehyung.


Oh fuck. I must be late for work!

Despite the pain still blaring at one side of my mind, like loud music being played early in the morning, I pushed myself out of the comforter and looked at the night stand for my phone, sighed when I found it on the spot.

"Fuck, I've got ten minutes to get to work. Fuck. Hell." that is all what seemed to come out of my mouth, because I really don't want to be late for work because then it would make Taehyung think that I'm a really careless person, but I don't want him to dislike me more than he already does! I want to impress him and being late is not going to help at all.

In a haste, I took off the shirt that I was wearing since last night and threw it on my bed. That's when I saw something, a paper of sorts under the pillow that I had been next to me.

A note?

"Breakfast is in the kitchen. It'll probably be cold till you wake up, don't eat it if it does. Medicine for your headache is right next to it, take that surely. And take a day off if you want. Take care." ~ Tae.


Taehyung was here? Why was here? When was he here? What did I do last night? Oh my god! I ran downstairs to the kitchen, slipping once as I turned in a hurry and stopped against the kitchen counter, seeing something on the table covered with a plate on top of it, alongside the tablet.

I read the note again, and again and again for the fourth time, especially the part where Taehyung signed his name as 'Tae'.

He was here, last night? Or did he come by this morning? How did I come back home?

Did he bring me home?

What did I even do? The last thing I remember was going to that dim-lit, empty place, got a little drunk, but I remember clearly that I walked out of the place perfectly fine. I remember walking around for a while, sitting on a bench and then going somewhere again.

I don't remember calling Taehyung. I checked the recent call log in my phone to see if I had called him, and turns out I had? I don't remember calling him at all. But before that, I had 9 missed calls from Taehyung himself. He called? Why did he call?

Should I call him, right now? He might know what happened last night and how I got home.

Or maybe no. That's not a good idea. He might be at work, right now. I'm already late and I shouldn't disturb him. I'll just go to work even if I'm late, I've got to apologize for whatever happened last night.

I shifted onto the barstool and rested my head on the counter, letting my mind process all the information before continuing to do anything. As I did, a smile slowly crept on to my face, feeling the note with Taehyung's writing still in my palm, and moved away the plate, covering the food.

Pancakes? He made pancakes with chocolate syrup for me? He remembered.

The smile turned up to my eyes as I started eating the pancakes he made for me. They tasted exactly the same as they did, three years ago, a little cold, but the same nonetheless. As though nothing had changed in the slightest.

Taehyung really made these for me.

A sigh escaped my lips as I finished the last bite, feeling giddy and took the medicines to help me with the headache. Knowing that I was already late for work and that there were slight chances that my love would be angry with me for whatever happened last night and for being late as well, I hurriedly took a shower, changed into a fresh set of clothes. Without taking a proper look at myself, I left my house and this time carefully locked it.

Taking the shorter route towards Kim Enterprises, I reached the place in fifteen minutes, which in total makes me 45 minutes late, and well, Taehyung's not going to be happy with it.

I hurriedly took my laptop bag from the back seat and made a run for it.


I feel like I'm so annoying sometimes. Sigh.

I purple you guys!

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