Chapter 30

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When they approached the table, it wasn't only Jungkook's turn to be shocked, it was his angel's too. His eyes widened when he saw the figures sitting in front of him, enjoying their time with each other, whereas Taehyung was surprised to see someone else  along with his family.

"Tae?" Bogum exclaimed and instantly moved out of his seat to wrap his arms around the still shocked figure, completely ignoring the fact that Jungkook was glaring at him.
"Hyung.. Wha- How did you..?"

"Hoseok called me and asked if I wanted to have lunch with you, so I came to see you guys!" Bogum proceeded to hug him once more before taking a few steps back and looked at the guy next to him.

"J-Jungkook? Y-You're back."

"In the flesh." He glared while spitting those words like venom at the guy in front of him, partly because he was jealous that Bogum had hugged his angel, but mostly because he had noticed his bruised face.

So he was the one?

He didn't know when the feeling of jealousy took over him completely as he snaked his arm around Taehyung's small waist and pulled him closer to himself while glaring at the other, completely oblivious to the stares his hyungs were giving them. Jungkook was far too focussed on his anger for Bogum that he didn't even properly see his hyungs sitting behind him.

"Babe, it's him, right? He's the one who did this?" He asked, leaning in close to Taehyung's ear while whispering.

Intense and deathly glares were thrown at each other, and they would've continued had Hoseok not interrupted them and pulled Taehyung to sit next to him.

"Don't embarrass me, Jeon and sit the fuck down." He ordered the younger, making their little glaring competition come to a holt and turn his attention to his angel entirely.

"Yes babe." He mumbled and sat next to Taehyung before Bogum could even think of it. Coming back to the present situation at hand, the blue haired guy shuffled closer to Hoseok, creating a little distance between himself and Jungkook as he didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea about it.

"You brought him here on purpose didn't you, Tae?" Hoseok whispered in his ear and confirmed of his suspicion only when the other winked, giving him a sly look.
Taehyung noticed the way all of them turned awkward in their seats, looking anywhere except at the youngest of them all and just rolled his eyes in response to it before nudging Yoongi's foot with his own.

Yoongi obviously understood what the meant, so he cleared his throat a little loudly that he should have, but it managed to get all of their attention onto him when he spoke up.
"So.. Jungkook, how're you?"

(Taehyung's POV)

Jungkook looked like he was about to pass out any moment now, and he hasn't even met all of them yet! It was only Yoongi and Hobi hyung along with Jimin and Bogum hyung because Joonie and Jin hyung were probably working around in their diner.

I had to hit Yoongi hyung on his feet to push him into talking to the younger, and since that happened, Jungkook has stopped working like some virus infected computer program. He just kept staring at hyung, probably in disbelief when I knocked my knees with his to get his attention.
"He's talking to you, Jeon. Don't freeze on my ass right now."

Well that seemed to work.

"Huh? Oh.. sorry. I- I was thinking s-something. Yeah." He stuttered and I did a double take at that because since when did The Jeon fucking Jungkook stutter?

"I'm fine.. good, hyung. How are you?"

And since then, the conversation flowed a little smoothly if not all, but you could say that it was a progress nonetheless. At first, I was starting to think that maybe bringing Jungkook over here was a bad idea because all he did was hesitate like he was meeting these people for the first time, but even if it was that case, I could never think that Jungkook, out of all people would be the one to stutter and lose his composure.

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