Chapter 92

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Don't kill me for what I'm about to write next. And please don't hate me, I love you guys!

Happy reading!


Taehyung's POV

I leaned back further into the chair, smiling to myself while looking up at the beautiful blue sky. Everything had turned quite well- more than I had imagined actually, and I couldn't have been more happier at this moment. I could feel the feeling of being on cloud 9 flowing through my veins while replaying the seconds where Jimin and Yoongi Hyung took their vows.

Even though my waterworks had started in the first few minutes of when they exchanged rings, I could clearly feel that they were in their own happy world as they said their vows. Every word they promised to each other, tugged at my heart in the most perfect sense that I really cannot even explain.

And for a second here, I think I might've cried more than Jimin's mother had. Oh lord, he's never going to let this go if anyone tells him that I cried like a baby.

"Taehyung-ah, what're you doing here?"


I opened my eyes to look at Namjoon Hyung as I recognized his heavy, but soft voice. Hyung's figure was towering over me since I was sitting and he was standing, but soon enough he took the chair next to me.

"Nothing Hyung. I just wanted to sit here for a while, I guess."

"Boy, you really cried didn't you?" he mocked, pulling my right cheek making me blush. Did everyone see that I was crying?

"You saw?" I asked, and groaned upon seeing him nod with that full blown dimple smile.

"I think most of the people did, but I have to say, this was one hell of a wedding." Namjoon Hyung chuckled next to me, looking up at the sky with the same look as I was, before he showed up. Following what he said, I nodded and rested my head against his shoulder to look up.

"It was. I can't forget how chaotic your wedding was." Hyung and I laughed, looking back at the memory of their wedding day. In all honesty, it was more than just chaotic with Jin Hyung constantly roasting Namjoon hyung even as he cut their wedding cake or raised a toast. That was only the half of it. He was going crazy before the guy even walked down the alter, so much that Jimin Hyung and I had to give him a few drinks before that happened.

No one knows of that, though.

"Well, the only ones left in the group to get married are you and Jungkook now. Hoseok's wedding is in another four months, and I still cannot believe he's marrying Lisa."

We are. Jungkook and I will be the only ones. I do think that our wedding would be when we're both comfortable and ready to actually take another step, but before that, there was something important I had to do.

I smiled, slipping my hand into my pocket and took out the royal blue velvet box, opening it.

"No way... You're-" Namjoon Hyung gasped, seeing just what was inside the box and took it his hands, "You're going to propose him today?"

I nodded, smiling at him and took the ring from the box.

"I am. I thought a lot about this in these four months that Jungkook and I were apart, and honestly Hyung," I looked up at him while my boyfriend's face circled in my mind, "I don't think I ever want that to happen again. That time was pure torture and I craved for him everyday. Whether I was working, in a meeting or playing with Chin Hae, I couldn't help but worry about him. I asked myself if he had eaten properly, was safe or not, and if..— and if he missed me just as I did. Throughout the week, I waited so desperately to see him on the weekends that I could never sleep on Fridays."

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