Chapter 51

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( Please ignore the mistakes xx)

Jimin's POV

I loved days like these, honestly. It was after so many days that Yoongi hyung and I had time all to ourselves, without being worried about work or the media. Knowing that neither of us had anything to do and that we missed this, both of us just decided to stay in.

We had decided to watch a movie, but since neither of paid any attention to it, we let is slide and just relaxed under the covers, talking, kissing, cuddling and well, just spending time with each other. It felt complete to be surrounded with his scent, and him in general.

After lazing around for a bit, hyung climbed out of our bed to make some tea for the both of us and it was only then that his phone started ringing on the nightstand, and thinking that it was important, I was going to take it to him, but I swear my hands froze when I saw who it was.

Jungkook was calling him.

How did hyung have his number?

I really wanted to pick up the call and talk to him but I know that I would have crossed the boundaries then. So, keeping aside my anger and the urge to have a one on one conversation with him, I took the ringing phone downstairs to the kitchen. But by the time I did run down the hallway, Jungkook had already hung up.

"Hyung, your phone."

I breathed heavily, regaining my composure and kept his phone on the counter behind him.

"Who was it? You know I'm not going to take calls if it's from work." Hyung said without turning towards me and that's when it started ringing again.

"It's.. It's Jungkook."

Yoongi hyung turned around and our eyes met, staring between me and the phone, "Pick it up."

"W-Wha-? I.. He wants to talk to you. I think you should pick it up."

"Just answer him."

He gave me an assuring look, which I don't know why meant that he wanted me to answer him, so I did. I wanted to talk to him too.

"What?", I regretted as soon as I said that. First, because Jungkook already thinks that I hate him, which isn't all true, but it isn't a lie either. I do dislike him, hate is too strong a word.

And me, starting the conversation with "what", did not indicate any signs that I genuinely wanted to talk to him. It sounded more like I was angry at him for calling my fiancé.

I could've tried a more 'normal' approach to greet him and Yoongi hyung's look said the same, he slapped his forehead as soon as I said that and leaned down on the counters, resting his weight on his elbows. I heard Jungkook hesitate over the phone at my voice, and took a good few seconds to respond.

"Jimin hyung?"

"You got that right." As soon as those words escaped, Yoongi hyung sighed loudly and whispered, telling me to be more polite, because I admit, even this sounded way too sarcastic, but I didn't mean it to!

"I.. I was wondering if I could talk to Yoongi hyung, if that's ..if it's okay? I don't wanna bother you or anything." I could hear his breath being shaky even on the phone, and it somehow did make me feel like something was wrong and maybe that is why he called hyung.

This is why I suggested that hyung should've talked to him.

" sure. He's here," I said and pushed the phone towards him. Instead of putting it on his ear, he put it on speaker and kept it in between the both of us.

"This better be important, Jungkook." he deadpanned at the phone, and I gave him a look.

"I want to know about everything that happened while I wasn't here. Whatever happened in Taehyung's life, I wanna know it all."

Okay, what. Where is this coming from? Does he not know?

Hyung looked at me with the same confused expression as I did, and continued, "What are you talking about?"

"Hyung, I know I have missed out on a lot of things, and I want to know each and everyone one of them. I want to ask Taehyung myself, but I don't want to push him because I've hurt him enough already and I don't want to do that anymore. I didn't want to ask anyone else because this is about his personal life, but I ca-"

"Jungkook stop. You're not breathing," I was the one to interrupt, biting my bottom lip hearing him talking in one breathe, "Breathe in and out. Calm down."

"Where are you, right now?" hyung asked.

"I'm driving, I don't know where, I just am."

Okay, either Jungkook really was hyperventilating or I was imagining it all.

"Listen to me, carefully Jungkook. I want you to stop at a side, calm down for a few minutes and breathe." Yoongi hyung said, taking the phone in his hand and made his way towards me on the other side. I didn't know why I did that, but I whispered hyung to tell him to come over at our house.

He looked at me twice, asked me if I was completely sure of that and did as I told him to when I nodded.

"I'm texting you the address, come over to our house."

"I- It's okay, hyung. Jimin hyung already hates me, I can't do something against his wish." he stuttered, and what he said did made me smile a little. When he said that he won't do something that I wouldn't like because I hate him. It was good, but it was not good at the same time. Before hyung could say anything, I took the phone out of his hands and turned the speaker off, putting it right next to my ear.

"I want you to come here, Jungkook. I don't want you to drive while you're like this. Yoongi hyung will send you the address, just come home, okay?"

Jungkook sounded hesitant again, he stuttered and when he finally did say "okay", it came out in a whisper. When he said that, I hung up way too quickly and texted him the address, not waiting for Yoongi hyung to do the same.

And for some reason, I really wanted him to come here, maybe it was because he sounded stressed and the fact that he was asking about what had happened in these three years. But it wasn't something anyone could talk about over the phone. I'm not utterly sure if we should be telling him this because it wasn't our story to tell; it was Taehyung's.


The fact that 1000 words makes a long story on wattpad, it makes me stop and finish this chapter rather than just writing it continuously. SMH.

Don't hesitate to ask anything that you wish! Mention it in the comment section and I will surely get back to you! Feel free to vote for this chapter and follow me to get notifications when I update!

I purple you guys!

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