Chapter 45

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Bogum hyung helped me carry Jungkook to the car, with both of his hands around our necks and one of my arms around his waist. I swear, this guy weighs a lot more than he looks like he does.

After a lot of thanks to Eric and Daehyun, we finally bid our leave and now we were in hyung's car, with Jungkook's head resting on my lap, my fingers combing through his sweaty hair and silence all around us as we moved on to the main road.

I know for a fact that Jungkook had gained a little bit of consciousness while we were carrying him to the car, he was aware that it was me with him and also that there was someone else present too, he just didn't know probably that it was Bogum hyung.

Ever since we stepped in the car, I might not have said anything, but I did notice hyung looking at the backseat, at us, through the mirror. My heart felt heavy, honestly. I really wanted to give it a chance with Bogum hyung.

But if I'm being really honest with myself, it wasn't just him, after deciding that I really wanted to take a step and move on from my past, from Jungkook, I was willing to try with someone who made me feel something.

It was a coincidence, or maybe the fate that Bogum hyung came back into my life.

We already knew each other from the time in college, not really well, but we did. We used to talk a lot during the lectures, and it felt good to see him again after so many years.

I did know that Bogum hyung was a very good looking guy and with a good nature, but I never saw him in that light. I always just saw him as a friend, and gave it a chance with him, because I wanted to really stop the hurting. I wanted to stop having the hope that maybe Jungkook would come back, and just when I had started working on it, he came back.

I felt bad. I feel bad. I gave him hope that we could have been something, and now I was the reason of his disappointment.

I kept staring at him through the mirror while his eyes were fixed on the road ahead of us, and it was then that Jungkook's head stirred in my lap and faced my own. His eyes were still closed, eyelashes falling on his cheeks, lips resting in a fine line.

"Taehyung-ah.." he whispered, for the nth time. A sigh escaped my mouth when he did, and my eyes on their own moved to the mirror, landing on hyung's eyes.

"Where do you want me to drop you guys? Your house or his?" He asked, shifting his eyes back to the road.

"", I looked down at his peaceful face and without knowing what stirred inside my mind, I gave hyung the directions to Jungkook's house. I knew that by now, Jimin and my baby must be asleep, or at least I hope they were because Jimin has to get back to work tomorrow and I don't want him to get late.

Tonight was a disaster, well, not exactly a disaster, but it was nothing like I had imagined it to be. Of course, I had been thinking about Jungkook and why he wasn't answering my calls since the morning, but I was also willing to forget it, even if it was for a spilt second.

But I guess, God had a different plan for us tonight.

I need to talk to hyung as well, apologize for everything that happened.. and everything else.

Soon enough, Bogum hyung stopped the car right outside Jungkook's house and helped me get him out of the car and towards his doorstep. I run the doorbell, thinking that his friends must be home, but turns out, they weren't and hyung found the keys in Jungkook's pocket.

"Okay. We've got to wake him up. He needs to drink something, or else he'll puke his guts out in the morning." Hyung stated, laying him down on the couch, while the both of us eyed the sleeping figure.

Who knew a guy like him could be this heavy?

"Yeah. Green tea?"

"Yeah, sounds good. Why don't you take him to his room and I'll get the tea ready?" I simply nodded, crouching down next to him before showing Hyung to the kitchen. His hair were going out in weird directions, all sweaty while his clothes were wrinkled.

His friends weren't home and I didn't know how to get a hold of them, neither did I have their number, nor the password to Jungkook's phone, not that I want to invade his privacy without him knowing.

"Jungkook-ah, wake up. We're home."

Nothing happened.

Caressing his cheeks, the night when I kissed him flashed right in front of my mind and the next thing I did was kiss him again, not on his lips, but his forehead and sat down next to him on the couch. I knew he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon, and when he will, Jungkook's going to have a hard pain in his head and probably even puke in the morning.

Can I pick him up? It won't hurt to try, I guess.

But before that, I need to see which one of these rooms belongs to him. As far as I remember, Jungkook said that his house had three rooms in total, one down and the other two upstairs. So, walking down the entire hallway and crossing the kitchen as well, I unlocked the dark room and well, it wasn't his room.

Must be a guest room, so I closed it and went up the stairs to see the other two.

Out of the two of them, one of them belonged to Jungkook's friends, the one's who were staying here and the one who I punched, BamBam and Yugyeom. A picture of the both of them was hanging over the wall and acknowledging that the room belonged to them, I closed it and went to other room.

And as soon as I stepped inside the dark room, Jungkook's scent hit my nostrils hard and I knew that it belonged to him, so I just went back to get him.

I poked him a few times in the cheeks to wake him up, but when he didn't even budge, I just picked him up bridal style and boy, was he heavy.


"This is the last time I'm picking you up, Jeon."

Jungkook's hands on their own made way and locked at the back of my neck and rested his head on my shoulder, nuzzling his nose at the side of my neck. It tickled as soon as his hot breath hit my skin and it sort of gave me goosebumps. The good kind of goosebumps.

As if this was something I had been missing.

Which I was.

I carried him upstairs to the room I had last checked and regretted not switching on the lights, because now I have Jungkook in my arms and I don't know where the bed is, nor the light switch. Making my guesses, I took careful steps inside and upon feeling something soft, I laid him down on the edge.

"I'm never picking you up ever again."


Another chapter has ended! It took me weeks to actually write this one because of my busy schedule and mood swings! But guess what? It's the weekend!

Anyways, I purple you!

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