Chapter 58

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Ignoring whatever it was, Jungkook did leave the kitchen with Chin Hae in his arms, letting the baby guide him towards the shared bathroom which anyone could use. It took a good few seconds for both, Taehyung and Jungkook to fathom what had happened.

The younger was thinking that he was probably seconds away from meeting Taehyung's mother again, but little did he know that it wasn't her. Instead, it was a mother-like figure that almost everyone close to them had known since the very start.

Taking his chances, Taehyung scurried off towards Mrs. Chao's room which was only down the hallway since she couldn't climb the stairs again and again. He told her that dinner was ready and that they had a guest over, too. He quickly came back and taking all the bowls from the kitchen counter, he placed them one by one on the dining table for everyone.

Before Jungkook and Chin Hae could coming back, Taehyung went off to the kitchen again with the excuse that he was going to get the plates and utensils, even though they were right behind the table, in a glass cupboard.

There still hadn't been no trace of 'Mrs. Kim' to Jungkook yet, so he took the chance and went to the kitchen hoping to see the other and he did. Coming in sight with Taehyung's back facing himself as he took down the extra plates from one of the shelves, Jungkook quietly tip toed towards him, biting his lip.

Feeling hot breathe trickling the naked skin of his neck, Taehyung's body stiffened and froze to the spot feeling a pair of strong arms circling around his waist and someone's chin resting on his shoulder. He knew very well just who it was, because no one had ever managed to make him feel like he was on cloud eleven at the same time as being vulnerable.

That's just how he was in Jungkook's arms. Vulnerable and bare. Like there was no cover hiding him away only for Jungkook to see it all. It was as if his legs and knees could give up on him any moment now and he'd fall face first towards the counter, but at the same time he had the confidence that Jungkook would catch him.

And hold him.

"I missed you. So much, Taehyung."

Taehyung felt Jungkook's toned chest flushed against his back as the arms tightened more around his small frame. It confused him for a few minutes, feeling the sensation of a rapidly beating heart and wondered if it was his own?

Gathering as much courage as he could, Taehyung slowly turned around with his eyes closed, as if he was afraid to look into the younger's piercing orbs; the minute their eyes would meet, Taehyung knew that it would give Jungkook an opportunity to look right into his mind and make him a wreck.

But when he did turn around and nothing happened for the first few seconds, he let his eyes open and fall onto the figure close to him.

Jungkook stood in front of him with his head hung low to a shoulder level.

"Hey what's wrong?"

It came out as a mere whisper when Taehyung subconsciously cupped Jungkook's cheeks into the palm of his hands and made him look up to meet his own eyes. Instead of opening his eyes the younger only stepped closer and closed the distance between their bodies. Wrapping his fingers around Taehyung's hand, Jungkook placed it on his chest and right on top of his heart.

It only added to the confusion when he felt the younger's fast heart beat against his own hand. Wondering why he was feeling like that, what was he thinking which made his the beating of his heart speed like that.

Taehyung became more panicked when he noticed Jungkook's soft features changing into hurt. He felt the urge to ask questions increasing inside his chest as he continued to stare at the man in front of himself, but his questions being answered was the last thing he could care about. Right now, the only thing he wished to do was comfort him.

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