Chapter 13

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The next few weeks were tougher than actually expected by all seven of them.

All seven of them had decided on studying together at Jin's place since his house had been the closest to their University and also because he had like an unlimited supply of food over there.

Since Jungkook and Yoongi had almost the same subjects, they usually sat down together to study and test each other by asking questions at the most random moments.

Namjoon and Jin had taken the same major- Management, so it was pretty obvious that the both of them would be together, while lastly, it was Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung with the Business major.

Everyone, including Hoseok himself was shocked when he had actually studied for 3 hours straight along with the both of them, because as Jin had said before, that guy couldn't sit still for 15 minutes, but this time he managed to prove them wrong. At times, it was only the three of them who slept late at night after helping each other with the topics and concepts.

But even in the middle of their studying schedule, the group made sure to lounge carelessly in the living room and just talk, not as couples, not as studymates, only as best friends. Taehyung had helped Jin every night with the dinner and sometimes, the others except for Jimin and Namjoon, volunteered to help too.

All in all, it felt like a family.

And it was no longer a secret as to why they had suddenly planned about studying together to Taehyung. He knew that his hyungs were worried about him because during exams he always seemed to be holed up in his room, forgetting about eating and would sleep when he wasn't studying.

He knew it and when one night, he was helping Jin with the dinner and it was just the two of them in the kitchen, he had thanked his elder for everything he had ever done.

During dinner on the same night, when they were casually talking about something, Taehyung had brought it up to tell the rest of them just how thankful he was.

While driving back to his empty house, Taehyung couldn't help but feel slightly lost and hadn't been able to sleep the entire night, instead laid down in the balcony just outside his own room, where he had been sleeping with Jungkook.

Yes, the younger had his own room, but even then, he had obviously chosen to sleep next to his personal source of warmth, not because he was still afraid of the dark, no. He didn't exactly know whether it was the effect of sleeping next to Taehyung or what, but he wasn't scared of it the same way he was before. And he obviously hadn't yet told his boyfriend about this, afraid that he might stop sleeping with him.

However, when he had coincidently woken up in the middle of the night and couldn't see Taehyung next to him, the first thought he had was that maybe he left to sleep in some other room, but then he noticed that the door connected to the balcony had been open, he went over there and saw his boyfriend lying down on the floor with his arms folded under his head for support.

His eyes had been fixated on the stars above them, while his mind had been wandering somewhere else to even notice Jungkook's presence.

He took advantage of that like any smitten guy would do.

Knowing that his hyung wouldn't notice him, Jungkook continued to admire his features which looked even more beautiful when the moonlight fell directly on his beautiful face.

He looked absolutely ethereal with his slightly wavy blue hair coming down to his forehead, and the fact that he was dressed in his soft white night suit made it all the more of a beautiful sight. Jungkook tried to memorise Taehyung's features, the way his eyes twinkled while staring at the stars, the way his pink lips were resting against the other, and the way his cheeks were just naturally puffed up, the beauty marks on his nose, under his lip and even on the lower eyelid.

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