Chapter 11

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Taehyung twisted and turned around in the small space on his own bed to get into a more comfortable position, but when nothing seemed to get him anywhere he sighed and eventually pushed himself up from the mattress, his gaze landing on the boy next to him  who, instead of occupying the empty space on the other side of bed was curled up like a ball in his sleep against Taehyung leaving him on the edge.

A chuckle escaped his mouth as he leaned down to placed a soft kiss on his boyfriend's temple and with one last look at him, he walked towards the bathroom to freshen up.

If it would've been just any other day for Taehyung, he would've definitely cursed his own hair for being so messed up over night that they were sticking out in odd ways on top of his head making him look like someone who hadn't washed them since decades, but since it wasn't just any other day, he didn't curse, scowl or even groan the first thing in the morning, instead he smiled and felt bubbles of happiness erupt inside his ribcage which he knew were all because of the events of last night.

Remembering them, Taehyung danced and screamed and even pulled at his own hair, all in exceptionally great spirits knowing that Jungkook wouldn't  even hear a thing considering that, first, he was a really heavy sleeper and second, that the walls of his bathroom were sound proof. So he continued his happy dance for as long as he wanted before gladly hopping into the shower and completing his morning routine.

In short, today he was like a 7 year old high on sugar, jumping and running around the house in the rush of sweetness.

Being done with his routine, Taehyung quickly dried himself off and slipped towards his closet to dress up in fresh clothes before finally going to wake Jungkook up from his sleep. While changing though, he remembered that yesterday he was supposed to go to the company and sign some documents that Roxanne and even his father had mentioned, but he was so busy spending time with his boyfriend that he clearly forgot about that.

I'll do it before going to the University.

Jungkook felt cold even though his hyung had wrapped the comforter around his body tightly, but it wasn't that kind of cold. He noticed that his personal source of warmth was not next to him anymore which made him finally open his eyes and took his time in adjusting to the bright light around him.

Those dark brown orbs narrowed to slits and a pout formed on his lips when he saw that he had already been occupying the space his boyfriend had previously been sleeping in.

His boyfriend.

Taehyung was his boyfriend. He had confessed his love for Jungkook last night and that had sucked all the sadness from his being and in return had given him happiness. He obviously had never thought that his hyung would do something like that, but turns out that both of them were scared of the same thing and also had the same thoughts.

They thought that the other saw him as a brother and also they were both scared of losing each other because of their romantic feelings. But look how that turned out? Jungkook swears that if he would've known even the slightest about Taehyung's feelings then he would've definitely taken an initiative, not wanting to stay away from his hyung for any longer.

But there was one thing that Jungkook absolutely regretted saying last night.

He hated, despised, regretted the words that left his mouth at the time of his confession. He had said that he LIKED Taehyung, but in reality he loved him. But even then, the smile on his hyung's face, as he remembers was so big and real that it stretched up to his eyes.

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