Chapter 78

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I AM SO SORRY GUYS FOR NOT POSTING!!!!!!!!!! I've been busy preparing for the MUN ( Model United Nations) and plus I was sick!! Here's this chapter and I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU IN THE NEXT CHAPTER :)

Tell me if you liked this one through the comments, and I will surely be posting tomorrow as well!

I'm sorry once again, and I hope you're safe and healthy and doing well!

I purple you SO MUCH :)

Jungkook's POV

It's been three days since Taehyung and I had that conversation, and it's been three days since he has been trying to avoid me.


I've known him for years now and I think it's safe to say that I know there's something bothering him. He just starts avoiding anything and everything that could potentially lead to that certain topic that was bothering him. In this case, it was about me leaving for Busan. I honestly do not understand my boyfriend sometimes. He was the one who had persistently brought up the topic, which must I add, I had made up mind about and now, he was the one avoiding it as well as me.

I tried bringing it up at dinner last night, but he literally just shut me up with, "You're going, and that's final. Not another word about it." so sternly that I didn't dare say anything after that.

I don't understand why he's so adamant on sending me back to Busan when he, himself doesn't like the idea of it?

I told him that being with him makes me happy, it really does, and Taehyung said that he wants to see me happy, then why is he making me leave? It angers me really and last night, when we were about to go to bed, I brought it up again hoping that he would understand, but no. We ended up fighting instead which lead to him spending the rest of the night in his study. The only time I ever saw him the next day, which is today, was in the morning when he was about to leave for work.

Because he was angry, the guy didn't even bother to wake me up like he usually does and got ready himself. He cooked breakfast for the three of us, and came back to his room minutes before he was about to leave. And even though he was angry, Taehyung made sure to kiss me goodbye and was probably thinking that I was asleep and didn't notice, but I did. If he can be sly, then I can be too.

No matter how hard I tried or how many times I brought it up, in the end it was clear that nothing was going to change his mind.

Everything else was already taken care of, obviously.

The house that I had bought in Seoul and where I was living, was already sold. It was my idea, not Taehyung's, in fact he wanted me to keep it so that I could come here whenever I wanted to. But come on, even if I did come here, it would be just to meet our Hyungs, Taehyung and Chin Hae. There was no need for me to still keep that house.

Another thing, I had also resigned from my job at Taehyung's company, well because it was a mutual decision.

Sort of.

I hated the idea of it with my entire being, thinking that there was going to be someone else doing my job, alongside my boyfriend and that too when I wasn't there. It's not like I don't trust Taehyung— no, I trust him even with my eyes closed and irrespective of the distance between us, but I don't trust anyone else because they could try to do something funny on the love of my life. I swear if that happens someday, I'll be seeing red and killing everyone with a machete. Don't ask me how I'll get it, but I'll get it somehow and I surely won't hesitate to use it.

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