Chapter 36

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(Jungkook's POV)

With each passing second, I could feel his cologne mask over my senses and his fingers tightening their hold on my shirt, pulling me closer to himself and I complied happily when he did that. I pulled him more closer to myself so that now, his bare chest was touching mine when Taehyung tilted his face a little to the left, allowing me a better access to his addicting lips.

I shuddered a little when he tugged on my hair, not that roughly, but it was still a huge turn on. The kiss had started slowly, with only me kissing him and there was even a moment where I thought that he wasn't going to kiss me back, but Taehyung parted his lips a little just when I was about to move away. With one of my arms around his tiny waist, I let the other travel up from his bare torso to cup his cheek and kiss him better.

For even a second, it didn't feel as if we were kissing each other after a time of years, to me, it came naturally. I've been waiting for so long to do this and it seemed like Taehyung did too, judging by the way his arms were tightened around me. It felt as if he was afraid to let me go, as if he was afraid to let go of this moment.

A soft moan escaped his mouth when I pushed him between myself and the counter, only to feel breathless when he nibbled on my bottom lip before pulling away and resting his forehead against mine with his eyes still closed.

Even after pulling away, I could taste his cherry lip balm on my lips and it made me want to smile, thinking that even after all these years he hadn't changed his choice. He still used the same cherry flavour and not just that, his touch felt the same; he had the same kind of effect on me as he did before.

Even more than that.

I can never forget how it felt to be enveloped in his warmth, how his lips tasted, the way his soft hands fit perfectly in mine. Never. But all of this did feel surreal because I was expecting him to push me away and kick me out of his house, so when he responded to me and pulled me closer to himself, I felt my heart leap in joy.

"Taehyung.. I'm really sorry."

"I know. You were jealous, weren't you?" he asked, taking away his hands from my neck to place them on the counter behind him. I looked up at him, nodding earnestly because I knew that he knew me too well and would clearly see through the lie if I denied the fact that I truly was jealous.

"I'm really really sorry, hyung. I should've controlled my anger and.. and I didn't mean to say any of that, I swe-"

"You can't just keep hurting him and then come back to say sorry every time." I turned my head around almost immediately the moment I heard another voice coming from behind us, Taehyung craned his neck to look past me as gasped when he saw Jimin hyung leaning on the kitchen's door frame, holding Chin Hae in his arms.

Jimin hyung's jaw was ticking with the anger he was trying to hold in as he glared at me, noticing the position we were in and Taehyung instantly pushed me away from himself, getting out of my hold to walk towards hyung with his head hanging low.

"Excuse me. I'll be back."

Why did I even think that I wouldn't have an encounter with Jimin hyung?

"What did you do this time?" Even though the kiss had ended suddenly and nothing like I had imagined or wanted, I couldn't but smile by the thought and feel of it.

The moment with him had my heart doing somersaults and backflips. I wanted to scream so big, but I know that since Jimin Hyung was standing right behind me, I couldn't stay like that. So, I turned on my heels as soon as he started speaking and leaned on the counter behind me, looking at the serious expressions on his face, I knew that he wanted to snap my neck right then and there as he had threatened during our unexpected meeting, but I was surprised when he actually asked me, rather than just telling me to leave or hit me.

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