Chapter 20

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(Namjoon's POV)

This was the real Taehyung.

Right in front of my eyes, this is him.

This is the Taehyung that we've all been missing since years, and this is the Taehyung that had been hidden, forced shut somewhere inside him. Tears kept falling down to my cheeks as I stood back, unable to move from my position, with my eyes fixed on Taehyung as he fell down to his knees and cried.

The entire hallway had been so quiet only a few minutes ago and now the only voice echoing was his scream. Not knowing what else to do, I walked to his side and pulled his trembling frame all to myself as he sobbed and clutched my shirt in his fists.

"Hyung! He can't leave. He can't leave us like this!"

I heard him plead, but the reality is that even I can't do anything besides being here with him, to hold him. I can't take away his pain of not having Jungkook and his father in his life anymore. I can't do anything, but that's all I could pray for at the moment as tears continued to escape my eyes.

He hadn't even gotten out of the shock of Jungkook leaving him for god knows how long and now this had just happened to bring him more pain than he was feeling already.

No one knew just for how long he had been holding in his feelings to himself, but now he finally let them go like a cloud finally letting the water rain down on the land.

I didn't know what to do besides being close to him.

When Taehyung had finally opened the door- which I thought was to come out,  he asked me and his mother to step inside because Uncle- I mean his dad had called to see us. I understood why he wanted to see Mrs.Kim, but why me? With a confused look, I followed her inside and stood at the edge of his bed before he asked me to sit on the chair, kept next to his bed.

I had absolutely no clue when he started talking, but my heart beat grew more rapid with each sentence that was exchanged between us, as he continued to ask me to take care of Taehyung while he would be gone.

It felt too sudden and almost unbelievable to say it myself that one day Taehyung's father would be gone forever. Not only have I, but our entire group had practically grown up around Taehyung's mom and dad since his house had been our playtime destination. Sure, they stayed out on business trips often, but they tried to make up for the lost time by calling all of us after spending a quality time, just the three of them.

I had always seen him with such a strong personality, the way he walked had always carried this aura that fascinated me till this moment. It still does. He always brought an air of confidence wherever he went or whatever he did, and despite being one of the top business tycoons, he had still managed to be humble and not let the money get to his head. He had always been very much kind and caring to all of us, behaved with us like a father and a friend too.

And I could see a lot him in Taehyung.

Not only did Tae have his eyes, but also he had the same caring, kind and loving nature. He was more on the stubborn, focussed and hardworking side like his dad and had the emotional qualities of his mom.

The first time that we had met Taehyung, except Jimin because the both of them had been best friends even before that. Not only me, but Yoongi and Hobi thought of him as some bratty kid with rich parents who was absolutely mannerless, but he was like completely the opposite. He was a ball of cuteness, as Jin hyung said, and none of us had ever seen someone always so hyped up and happy like he was actually high on sugar all the time.

But now that I think about those times, it made me realise just how good Taehyung was at hiding stuff, not only from his parents, but us too. I can't say that I was not angry at him for not telling us any sooner, because believe me the first thing that came to my mind was punch him in the gut after he told us everything. I still am, but also I understood why he didn't do so.

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