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Again.. it's a monday.

A day that nobody ever asked for it to exist. Jungkook was still in bed kept tapping snooze on his phone alarm. He ruffled the sheet against his face too lazy to get up.

He knows he'd be stuck on his chair in class doing nothing. Don't give a damn about class lessons.

"What a life" he stretched his hands up to the air looking at the time. Half an hour late. He made way to the bathroom and never forget to smile at a frame picture that he valued the most.

A picture of him with his two best friends, namjoon and jin. They hardly got to meet since the two got into a relationship they began to live their own lives under their own roof somewhere Jungkook had no idea about.

   He combed his hair in the mirror staring for a second.  Satisfied for himself? Maybe he's humble who knows.

His figure's like one of those hotties. Dark hair, leaving the first two buttons exposing his neck line, a model's body proportion, damn kookie..thin but sexy lips with a perfect angled jawline.

Anyone would want to have him but nobody dared to even talk to him. Not that he's a bully. He's just Jeon Jungkook. A teenager who only cares about himself. Would scribble things in his notebook but still score the highest in the entire school. He didn't trust or befriended a single soul at school.

Maybe one.

He passed by the kitchen thinking it's too late for breakfast. His mom was frying eggs while his dad focusing on the newspaper.

Listening to the sound of oil splattering and the unwatched news on tv calms him every morning. He gave mom a kiss on the side of her head saying goodbye.

"Breakfast?" Jungkook's mom turns around.

"It's alright mom" as he exits.

He rode his motorbike looking stunning to school. Students made way for him praising him like a god as he parked and took off his helmet.

As usual, after a tiresome class he would find gifts loaded on his bike from juniors and senior students. He never take any but instead passing by them to anyone passing by.

He walked straight to class even the nurses of the school would be excited. Did nothing, he already ruled the world. He entered the class bowing to his teacher. He sat at the back of the class. He looked out the window waiting for time to speed up.

Break time's almost over.

Everything just bore him. He began to scribble things he imagined. The second thing he loved in his life after his parents and two best friends was the eagerness in his hand to draw and sketch things.

The hectic classroom starts to fade out when an unfamiliar student comes in. Jungkook had his head dodged low on his desk not wanting to care.

The teacher came in "now everyone, we have a newcomer here.. please introduce yourself", she looked at the student.

"Hi everyone, i'm Park Jimin. I'm from an arts and theatre school in busan and i came here for my parents' work. Hope we get along" he smiled looking at everyone smiling wide.

gasped cause they never seen such an angelic looking person before. His thick thighs matching his not so tall height, his plump lips with neat yet fluffy hair covering his forehead. Him only standing at the spot had everyone excited.

Jungkook sits upright also paying attention. But no emotion included. He felt nothing unlike others, even the male students bit their lips watching the new kid. The only seat that's empty was next to Jungkook.

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