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He got up, turning to his left then right and sat back down. He got up again, checking both sides and sat again. He looked at his watch showing it's 12:44 am, no sign of customers.

Jimin was studying while waiting for a soul to visit the shop but no there was none. He got the permission to leave if there aren't any buyers after more than 2 hours.

Jimin gave up and put away his book into his bag, zipping it and went to turn off all the lights. He exited the location walking alone in the middle of the silent night. His part time job was just three blocks away from his house. So he didn't bother to take a cab.

He saw raccoons passing by the trash cans making clanking sounds. The flyers people threw scattering on the ground being blown away by the wind along with dried leaves. He took out his phone to use the torchlight but unfortunately it died. He gripped his backpack tighter as he heard footsteps approaching.

He didn't think to turn around nor he wanted to. He walked faster barely forcing his feet to run but he couldn't. He passed by a few dark alleys and corners ignoring the terrifying echoes coming from them.

Jimin increased his speed, more and more until a hand pulled him to one of the corners, pushing him against the wall, another hand covering his mouth before he could even scream. The not so tall figure infront of him was attached to him sticking to the wall while he checked the line confirming it's clear. Two policemen ran across by missing their target and went to search at another block, footsteps disappearing from their hearing.

The guy gripping jimin sighed in relief then looked at jimin whose in shock. He let go as he realised making jimin push the guy away.

"What the hell ?!" Jimin with his eyebrows knitted mad at the guy that attacked him

"Sorry" he rested his hand on his knees panting from a long run escaping

"You scared the shit outta me" jimin scanning the guy's face down to the badge stitched on his shirt. He knew that he's from the same school

"Just give me a break for a sec. you're jimin right? I'm yoongi by the way" yoongi held his hand out for a shake. Jimin rolled his eyes still annoyed that he's been suddenly shoved to the wall, "right, not a good timing" yoongi reversed his hand back.

Jimin pursed his lips looking at yoongi's ripped pants at his knees exposing a cut smeared with blood and also on his palm dripping on the ground.

"I'll be going now" as yoongi was about to run away, jimin pulled him by his arm.

"I don't have time for this" yoongi trying to get loose

"Shut up" jimin walked towards the store he worked at while still pulling yoongi.

As they reach the dark store, jimin took out the keys from his pocket struggling to open the door.

"You own this place?" Yoongi looked around as they entered

"You wish" jimin pushed him to sit and went to one of the isle searching for medical kits and a bottle of alcohol. He came back to yoongi who had his hand in his hair wiping sweat away still exhausted. Jimin looked at yoongi's hand and the cut was pretty deep, blood was still oozing like a river.

He took out cotton swabs, iodine, a needle puller, stitching thread and scissors. He pulled a chair behind him sitting as close as he could to yoongi. He opened the bottle of alcohol and poured onto yoongi's open wound making him scream,

"Ahhh !" Yoongi shut his eyes. A second after he opened to peek, jimin was holding a needle puller in his hand hooking a thread through it.

"Do you even know what you're trying to do?" Yoongi asked in shock

"I'm very much experienced" jimin pulled his hand back onto the table

"And how do I know that" yoongi struggled to pull away

Jimin sighed rolling his eyes, "the second you leave this store with that deep cut wide open, you'll be losing more blood. Before you could even reach the hospital that's 50 miles away from here, you'd collapse on the ground in the middle of the night, And i doubt you'd even go there by yourself , then it'll be 7 more hours before people coming out after sunrise to go for work, by the time they found you, you might already be dead. You don't want your family to receive bad news do you? Now can you trust me"

Yoongi's worried eyes slowly went gone, letting jimin do the work. He hissed everytime jimin pokes the the needle into his thick skin, pulling the long thread through each hole until the very end of the knit, stitching the wound to gradually close.

"I've been volunteering in medical help all the time, at camps, refugees.. for almost two years. I have a permit too" as jimin pulled the thread upwards making yoongi hissed for the thousandth time.

"Sorry, it does hurt without the anaesthetic."

Yoongi didn't say a word feeling too painful until the very last stitch, finished with a neat knot.

"There" jimin got up packing the things back into place.

"Hey umm-"

"You don't have to do anything in return. Just pay for the alcohol i used on you. It's way above my living expenses" jimin sassed

"I will and thanks." Yoongi slowly walked out the store. He turned around to the sound of jimin locking the store also leaving.

"I'll walk you home" said yoongi

"I think i'll be fine on my own" jimin rejected his offer

Yoongi flicked jimin's forehead making him rub at the red spot, "I'm older so do what i say" yoongi passed forward of him. Jimin pouted still rubbing the sting, trailing behind yoongi.

They walked in silence reaching his apartment. Yoongi waited outside until he got in, bowing to the a-bit-older hyung and shuts the door.

Jimin washed himself and crashed onto his lumpy bed, playing a song on his phone to lighten himself up. He stared at the leaking ceiling, the sound of mice running in the walls, the broken window that he covered with newspapers, but not complaining that the house was a bit crappy but grateful enough that he had a place to stay.

He scrolled through his phone, suddenly remembered about jungkook as he saw a a message left among his notification lists.

Jk; Did you get home safe? (10:35pm)

Jm; yeah, shouldn't have done my
shift tonight. (1:45am)

Jk; you still up?? Get some rest. (1:46am)

Jm; about to sleep. You free
tomorrow.. i wanna thank
you for today. (1:47am)

Jk; yeah sure. Meet me at the
school's art studio. (1:48am)

Jm; ??? Ok then. See ya. (1:49am)
; Seen by jk ;

A/n: Ayo ! This is all i got
so bear with me *sobs* 🖤

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