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"I'll have one kalguksu" Jimin ordered at the cafeteria during lunch break.

"Make it two"

Jimin turned to the voice next to him and didn't say anything.


"Hi we meet again" Jieun shrugged with a smile.

"Yeah guess so..", Jimin found the situation awkward.

"Mind if join you?", Jieun asked as their order were called done.

"S-sure", he hesitated.

"So i guess you're really close with Jungkook", she began the convo.

"Huh? Oh.. right", Jimin looked down at his meal as he answered.

Of course that's the only topic they could relate to. The fact that Jieun the 'fiancé' began asking to know more about Jungkook wasn't really her fault cause she knew nothing about their history. And Jimin couldn't even blame or tell her to stop.

"How did you guys meet?", she took a bite.

"Highschool. I got transferred to his class"

"Hmm.. he must be a good friend to you"

"How did you meet him?", Jimin was curious.

"Our parents. They arranged us about a week ago" she raised a brow with a pout.

"A week ago? So you never met him or knew him before?"

"No.. but he looks like a sweet guy. I just think i'll give it a try. My last boyfriend dump me cause i'm not pretty enough", she took another bite as Jimin stared at him.

She is pretty.. i guess kookie didn't have a problem being with her as well.

"Has he been nice to you?", Jimin paused a heartbeat.

"He treats me well. But i don't see any kinky things yet. I don't think he likes me", she pouted innocently.

"Oh", Jimin sighed a relief.

"But i'm moving in with him. Maybe i could fix that right?"

Jimin put down his chopsticks as he looked down at his hands hearing that. It's only one step before anything huge. She's moving in with Jungkook. That's already hurtful. And that's a choice that Jungkook agreed too. What can he say..

"I gotta go" Jimin got up as quick with his tray.

"Oh bye then" Jieun shouted but Jimin didn't really heard her or maybe he just ignored.


"I'm home" Jimin got into the house and closed the door behind him before walking to the living room.

"Hyung i bought sundae and chicken feet. The auntie across the street was so kind she gave me extra," he blabbered as he took off his shoes,

"Since you were craving and it's still hot so-"

Jimin who was excited became absorbed by the gloomy room. He eyed everywhere around looking confused. He walked closer to the couch and felt so lost since he didn't have any idea.

Everyone was there.

Everyone meaning the guys, Mr and Mrs Jeon and a few unknown people but looking all formal and serious.

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