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"Who's picking up Yoongi ?", Jungkook talked on the phone. "Okay we're on our way", he hung up.

He fixed his neck tie in the mirror before shifting eyes to see Jimin in the reflection. He was waiting by the couch staring out the window, quiet.

"Let's go", Jungkook lifted him by grabbing his arm. Jimin was still quiet until he thought of Yoongi.

"Yoongi..?", Jimin snapped.


"He can't drive today", he shook his head.

"Yeah so Namjoon is picking him up"

"okay", Jimin sighed in a relief.

They reached a graveyard.

It was silent. Only murmurs and whimpers from afar.

"Mrs Jung..", Jimin called. She turned and instantly gave him a motherly hug. Jimin stroked her back up and down.

"I'm sorry it must've been hard for you", Jimin said, "I'm sorry too", she let go.

Jimin walked with Jungkook to a small crowd gathering. Everyone was in black mourning grief.

"excuse me", Jungkook made way through for Jimin.

They stopped and stood there. By the open coffin where a body lied. Stiff and quiet and pale.

"He's sound a sleep", Jimin said unconsciously. He couldn't cry anymore. His tears were out.

"He is", Jungkook hugged him from behind.

"Hey", Jin and Namjoon approached. They exchanged hugs with a tired Jimin.

"Let's pray for him", Jin sniffed into Jimin's hair.

"Where's..", Jungkook looked around.

"There", Namjoon pointed with his mouth.

Far across, Yoongi was kneeling on the ground hugging himself. Staring at Hobi who didn't look like Hobi.

Never once he blinked. Looking at his lover who's not waking up. He didn't even talk. Didn't even bother to look at Yoongi sitting near him.

Last words of condolences and prayers were given.

Yoongi got up slowly putting on a ring on Hobi's cold finger. It matched the one on his. Jimin along with Jungkook walked up to put a white rose in between the hands.

Moments later the coffin was buried. Everyone slowly headed back.

"Do visit us", Mrs Jung told them.

"We will", Jungkook nodded.

"Yoong..gi", Mrs Jung turned towards Yoongi's back who's still on the ground.

He didn't turn around though he heard. He didn't have the strength to.

"Let's go mum", Ji Wo led her out from there knowing Yoongi couldn't even gather himself together. He was senseless.

Tae massaged his back a few times saying his goodbyes. Jimin came to him and just stood there behind him. Yoongi could feel his presence.

"I..proposed to him", Yoongi said still staring at the buried and scattered soil on the ground.

"He must be so happy", Jimin said with a little crack.

"Yoongi it's late", Namjoon kneeled next to him.

"Let's go home", Jin said.

"I prepared dinner. Everyone can stop by", Jimin insisted.

"We'll sleep over too", Jin suggested.

"Yeah", Jungkook exclaimed.

They all tried to make the situation better. Seeing a quiet and puffy eyed Yoongi was a lifetime experience.

Nobody could be in his shoes. It was meaningless. Literally incompatible. Not even Jimin could understand the struggle of another pair of true love.

Loving a precious someone will be the hardest when letting go. Especially not because of a break up but dea—

"Guys", Yoongi finally spoke.

They focused at Yoongi quietly.

"Can you..leave me alone", he requested.

"Yoongi..", Jimin sighed.

"I appreciate everything you're doing right now really. Just..today.. can you not call or wait for me or ask where i am"

They knew he wanted to stay there longer.

"I just want to see him for the last time", Yoongi pulled out a weed from the ground.

"Okay yoongs. You need it anyway", Namjoon got up patting his back lightly.

"Let's go", Jungkook told Jimin.

They all walked the opposite way towards the car. Jimin hesitantly took another step and looked back.

"Just a sec", he ran towards Yoongi again.

Yoongi felt his back was collided into some warmth. Jimin back hugged him. He rested his chin on the older's shoulder.

"Don't do anything crazy. Please", he mumbled.

Yoongi reached his hand to caress Jimin's hair without looking,

"thank you for not giving up on him"

A/n; 100 out now !

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