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"I don't understand" Jimin barely let his voice out.

"Are you illiterate? Read it" Junghyun shoved Jimin the paper making Jimin flinch

"It can't be" Jimin felt sweat dripping across his head trying to keep himself calm again.

"My uncle helped me change my name and coincidentally I was adopted right after." Junghyun laughed like a joker. "Poor mum and dad they didn't know they fostered a killer" Junghyun wiped Jimin's sweat with his sleeve.

"Your mum.."

"Good guess. Such a waste" he lifted Jimin's sweaty bangs to look at him clearly.


"I stabbed that motherfucking asshole cause he killed my mum. And yet he didn't go to prison. Unfair isn't it?" Junghyun shrugged with a smile,

"you'd do the same too right?" he began patting the smaller's head lightly,

"I know about your dad. Kookie told me how you were suffering the whole time protecting your mum who loves that hideous man more than you. And you couldn't even convince her to leave the asshole though you've tried so many times but she just won't listen. I understand you very well Jiminie. Cause you're just like me"

Jimin sat there quiet wanting to know more

"but.. i don't think you're pretending to be nice with Jungkook" Jimin glared in fear

"of course not. I love him" Junghyun sighed, "I love mum. I love dad. I like you as an in law" Junghyun's voice just got louder as he gripped both Jimin's shoulder,

"It hurts .." Jimin squeezed his eyes shut.

"So why the fuck would you find out about me when i'm fucking happy ?! You're such a stubborn bitch! I told you to leave the door stay locked!" he pushed Jimin harshly on his back as he got up.


Jimin looked up to him eyes widened

"While i'm being nice" Junghyun declared

"No hyung! I can't leave kookie" Jimin begged getting up

Jimin then was pushed to the shelf, hands wrapped around his neck almost choking.

"You want me to do something bad to my brother ? to your lover?!" he strangled the smaller

"N-no..You-you wouldn't" he replied short of breath,

"Don't make me"

"i wont tell. I-i promise" he begged trying to push the veiny hands away

"Jimin dear, you think it's easy huh? guess what?" he approached closer to Jimin's ear,

"I trust no soul in this world"

"I'm not leaving" Jimin closed his eyes shut begging for release from the restraint

"Fine. Then i'll make you" he let go leaving the room.

Jimin took time coughing as he caught his air back, he chased over him seeing Tae being tied up as he woke up way before but he didn't seem to be conscious. A guy in a muscular body with a dark presence stood by him waiting for Junghyun to instruct him something.

Jimin panicked wanting to chase Junghyun and at the same time releasing Tae. The taller left the house closing the door behind him leaving him confused.

Jimin heavily breathed having anxiety too scared of what would happen next. He turned around to the big guy approaching him. A steel bat swung before him on his head crashing onto the floor. Him being on the cold surface, he could feel the heaviness on his head as his vision went blurry.

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